
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Birthdays, golfing and wine

 My husband always likes to thank everyone for the gorgeous Firework displays to usher in his birthday on the 5th of July ;-)

And we always like to spoil him - he very rarely gets a day all about him... so we try!!! ( of course, I still make him do chores ha ha)

We started his day riding horses, and then... headed off to the Golf Course!!

He Skunked us... but we had a blast. Well actually I won - but that's because I cheat and play best ball... I kind of pretend I am a pro that way.  Really K won ;-)

I had been doing some searching online and I accidentally came across a Winery in Eastern Colorado - so you KNOW we had to try it out. After our golf game we headed over here!

They had this great mural in front - and a QUILT block on their barn!! ( and I forgot a pic of it - bad quilter!!)

it was their anniversary party - so you pre -bought  tickets and included in the ticket was a bottle of wine, this is the one we chose to have while we had our dinner. It had a coconut taste to it - it was AWESOME!!  Kind of what you think Summer should taste like


Its a family run business. The husband is the Vintner, the wife the business manager, the Daughter the Tasting room manager and Son in law is the chef.  This is what he made for dinner - Pulled Pork and Street corn and oh my - it was awesome

Even helped me make mine Gluten free!!!

it is a beautiful little place, you sit outside ( or in) and you are among the alfalfa, the grapes and the corn - Totally loved it... came home and sat on our deck.....

Not a bad day - and I think K thought it really was all about him ;-)

The end.

Linking to:

My Corner of the World


  1. Happy birthday to your husband - looks like a perfect day to me! The wine and dinner look amazing.

  2. Not a bad day at all! And to have the ability to leisurely ride horses so nonchalantly in the morning; brings on a little jealousy here. LOL
    Truly an amazing day captured and shared.

  3. What a fun day! I love hearing about wineries in Colorado. We'll have to try that one - we're about 90 minutes from Ft. Morgan. Happy Birthday to your hubby - golf and a winery dinner sound like a great celebration!

  4. What a great birthday celebration!!!!

  5. Hi Alycia, that sounds like a wonderful day, full of fun things and at the same time you get to tell hubby it's all about him! lol
    Take care.

  6. Happy belated birthday to your main squeeze! Sounds like you spoiled the birthday boy and filled his day with fun!

  7. Happy belated birthday to Your Guy. Looks like a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. He and I almost share the same birthday, mine was a day earlier and yes I appreciated the fireworks.


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