
Monday, July 31, 2023

Layer Cake Loop - the Top

 Remember my Layer Cake Quilt... its the pattern called Layer Cake Loop from the Fat quarter shop - but I made an adjustment!  I tried to do it without cutting down the Layer cake - and now....

It is a top!!!
And photographing said top on a breezy day was a challenge!!!

Instead of yelling at the wind... I just took photos from all different angles!!!

I see a marathon quilting session in my future haha!

On another note - have any of you seen that show Swedish Death Cleaning ( its on Peacock I think)?

I have been watching it as I sort thru my parents things - but it made me feel the need to really clean - so I started in my room... and then went to the younger sons room, then the older sons room... and I kept finding things and sending them photos .. and then they would laugh and say - Mom you are the one that made me save that... pass it on.

Between my parents things and those things - I think I have made a batrillion trips to the ARC, the Bargain Box and the ReStore.... and I have way more to go!

We were sorta of laughing at ourselves - when we moved out here all those years ago - everything K and I owned fit in our horse trailer.  We are now on the 2nd load of things from my parents house...... and there's still more to go. I am halfway sorting as we are loading - and halfway waiting to sort at my house... weird I know - but its turning out easier for me to do it this way.

That being said

I have this book and I am done with it - the back says $27.95 - but for the first person that says they want this book I will send it to you for postage.... USPS says $10.... so lets go with that - you can Venmo or paypal it - Because my comments are moderated - I will look for the first one that says I WILL TAKE THE Book - and leaves me a way to contact them ;-)

Don't forget to join us here on Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday

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  1. I have slowly (very slowly) been trying to remove things I won't use from my studio. My biggest removal was a basket of paper pantographs that I hadn't used in years since I have a computerized long arm. I was able to give it to a gal in my quilting guild who had a long arm but didn't have many pantos. I was thrilled and she was thrilled. If she doesn't need all I told her to gift to someone else. My daughter was not all that impressed when I told her. But I have got an old basket that I could put a project in and a bit of a hole in my storage area. Win/Win if you ask me. Here's wishing you continued progress on your sorting and cleaning.

  2. Oh my - cleaning our the parents' house can be a huge job. I remember very well doing that in 1991 after both of my parents died within months of each other. Sorting, packing - and getting distracted with memories. My girls are both terrified of cleaning out our big house because I'm definitely a "keeper/saver" kind of person.

  3. The pieced quilt top looks great and I love that you did not cut down the layer cake. We did so well to downsize when we moved to Hawaii and lived in 512 square feet. Something about owning a hangar now (3,000 square foot house with a 1,600 square foot apartment tucked in the end) makes my stomach hurt when I think of all the STUFF we own again!!

  4. Very pretty quilt, it looks masculine! I'm sure you'll find someone to gift it to. I was ruthless when we moved last summer and I was cleaning out the old farmhouse. It has been so freeing to not have all the 'stuff' sitting around our new home. (We won't talk about the fabric collection but that's in the basement and no one but me goes there) Happy purging!

  5. Good book but I had it and have passed my copy along (as you are). Hope you find a taker who enjoys it. Haven't watched the show but I did glance through the book at one point. It is getting easier and easier to unload stuff and I'm feeling less guilt (which is good). I'll never get to the Marie Kondo approach (total pile in the middle of the room) but I keep chipping away at stuff. Good luck to you as you work your way through the house closing down process.

  6. I like it when the cleaning bug is contagious for the whole house!! Nice job!
    The new quilt top is fantastic!

  7. You've been watching a show called Swedish DEATH Cleaning?! Did I read that right?! Okay, I stopped writing my comment and googled it. I had no idea this was a thing; I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Marie Kondo and the Tidying Up where you thank your old stuff for its service before getting rid of it and only keep the possessions that "bring you joy." Having said that, I have been trying to pare down our accumulated personal possessions one drawer and one closet at a time in hopes that we can downsize to a smaller home in the next few years.

  8. It's such a hard job sorting through things that have accumulated for years! Be kind to yourself as you do that! I will have to google that Swedish Death cleaning thing. I could probably use a lot of that as we've accumulated so much through 45 years of marriage...and I hate to throw anything away! LOL Love the new quilt. Looking forward to the finish! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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