
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Hugging our Veterans!

 We are Spreading the Love....

I have a large group of Veterans and we are covering them a group at a time... it is just SO fun!! the Buildup, the wondering who is next - the smiles on their faces... its so awesome!!

Isn't this an Awesome group!!!  WWII, Korean and Vietnam!!! ( One was Vietnam and Desert Storm)

Do you remember that little cartoon that went around of two little kids in overalls discussing farming like adults?   I don't know why but this photo reminds me of it.

They were just so cute - talking about their quilts - and laughing ( which you can't see by his expression) My youngest son who is 6'7" helped award the quilts, and all of the gentlemen were awed by his height!!

Have a Happy Day!!

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  1. How fantastic. I love seeing the group together and the smiles on their faces!

  2. Thanks for sharing this picture of the vets with their quilts! I know that it is sometimes 'hard to get' a group picture. :)

  3. I love seeing the pictures of all the Vets receiving their quilts. It reminds me of why I love making QOVs and sending them to you. Thank you for all you do.

  4. Lots of happy quilt recipients there. Fabulous picture and a fantastic effort by you.

  5. Each of these ceremonies warms my heart and some bring to mind a priest I knew who touched many service men and women. He said that they were gratefulfor most anyone and anything that recognized what they freely did for their country. He had asked for donations for stuff to share and a bag of chips or a candy bar went a long way in theater but I can't imagine what a handmade gift from the heart means to them, Thank you.

  6. What an amazing bit of encouragement! Each presentation is precious, isn't it?!


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