
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Pioneer Town

 There is a little Old Western Town up in the Mountains called Pioneertown - it was established in 1946 , and was intended to be a Living Breathing Movie Set.

Its open to the public and is pretty cool to stroll through.... so we did!

and we encountered a real life hold up!!!

This little group was called *Gunfighters for Hire* and they put on skits about bank robberies and hold ups . I guess they do it Two times a month - so we were lucky to be there.  It was fun to watch the kids ( not ours, the little ones out for the day) watch these guys... they were giggling so hard

The Inside of the Old Saloon

I have a Piano very similar to this style - Mine is also a player, but! It didn't have the beer holder.... sigh

Just to prove we were there!

we are kind in the middle of the main street looking at all the buildings. There is also the Red Dog Saloon there... YUMMY wagu Tacos!!! and!! Pappy and Harriets. I LOVE tritip - and they have that ( and more) there. so it was a fun whole day!!

And then I had to get Old Timey on you!!!  I love these old Buildings!!

More than 50 films were produced here in the 1940's and 1950's
All of the Gene Autry Flying A productions were filmed here...

Cisco Kid, Range Rider, Annie Oakley and others were filmed here... even the 2014 Gambler with Mark W had some filming here....

Today - there are lots of little stores here. Some of them have the old Building fronts but a cool business inside. and People live in some of the buildings. There are even Weddings hosted here.

This was a pretty cool place to visit. Lots of Cool places to practice your photography - and overall a great place to go. 

We stopped at Red Dogs Saloon and had a sasparilla and a taco - then spent the day wandering. with a stop ae Pappy and Harriet's for Tri Tip and chips and salsa !!

Oh !! and K even got to meet the Mayor!!!!


  1. I probably saw a lot of the Gene Autry films produced there. I was born in 1940 so was 6 years old when that town was built. Going to the movies as a farm kid was a BIG event. Gene Autry and Roy Rogers were the big stars, and of course the Lone Ranger.

  2. What a very cool place to visit! Your photography is beautiful! I'm not a fan of westerns as a movie genre but as part of our history, I love to learn about it!

  3. You guys find the coolest places.

    And it's not very crowded!

    We seem to be hosting ALL of the leaf peepers and traffic is getting a bit out of hand in our quiet little town.

    Next Fall, I'll have to head out to Pioneer Town and wrangle up some rustlers.

    Just kidding.

    San / Gypsy Quilter

  4. Another VERY interesting post. My dad and grandfather were HUGE fans of westerns, although my grandfather had a fit when the movie-cowboys rode their horses fast down a cliff (NOT the way you are supposed to do it, he used to insist).

  5. What a nice place. Looks very nice in black n´ white.


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