
Saturday, September 03, 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge for August... Orange

The way my summer got too busy - I just knew I wouldn't be able to crank out a Stepper quilt for August... I mean, I had already failed for July... but I still have a sticky note of the colors!!!

So I just decided... Hats!!! That is what my RSC project will be for these months....

 I went into my trusty yarn bag and pulled out anything that looked *orangish* to me...

Most of it was kind of a burnt orange - but it made me feel that Fall would be in the air someday.... someday.........

Ta da!!! Three orangish hats - and one with the leftovers of the Purple from July!!!

Again - these are Going to my Friend M - she makes Operation Christmas Child boxes and her deadling is Looming.... she needs all the hats by October 1st - 

Speaking of Looming... every time I post these everyone asks how I made them, and I laugh - because I don't know.. I just do what M said... but now I am prepared!!

These are made on a Loom ( I called it a circly thing)

I use the pink one for the hats for M - I used the Purple one for the bigger adults that I made a few hats for. and the Blue one for a baby hat. 

I have not tried the green one yet ..maybe toddler hats?

Then I got fiddly and wanted to try something else so I got a Flexi Loom 

The cool thing with that one is you can remove the links and create a different style hat - but as slow as I am - they took longer and I still have one hat on that loom.  But its all good - I'll get there haha!!

Now! To make the ones with a brim - you stitch 20 rows and fold in half ( back up on the loom) them make 30 more rows

TO make the ones without the brim - you just stitch 40 rows total

and there you go - everything I know!!! ( kinda sad it all fits in one post haha)

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  1. And here I thought you knitted them with needles! You need a knitting machine and boy you could pop those babies out by the hundreds. Good job Alycia:)

  2. So that's your secret! i can knit but my gauge is always too big no matter what I do. I bet this would solve the problem.

  3. Oh such an inspired idea to move over to hats!!!

  4. What I know about creating beauty could fit on a pinhead! Thank you for letting me admire what you do! (some of us have to serve in that capacity!)

  5. Well, for Pete's just reminded me that I have those circular looms somewhere. Maybe I should find them and use up the yarn that has accumulated before the mice get into it all again.

  6. Great ORANGE hats, Alycia! Perhaps the missing Stepper quilts will come once the temperatures begin to drop? I know you've got the scraps for them!! :o))


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