
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Colorado Ghost Towns - Keota

 I have always been intrigued by Ghost towns. We have quite a few of them in the mountains, and I hiked to one that was really cool. But .. did you know there are some out on the Eastern Plains of Colorado?

I have actually been thru this one on the way to a hike, but didn't really explore it much - so of course!! I had to go back!!

I googled the directions, and we found a back road. Back road for Serious!!! it was gravel the WHOLE way... which of course - I LOVED!!!

We came across a Patriotic Field - I loved it!!!! 
and I found a BARN QUILT!!!

I loved that we could find old houses/barns that are still standing - but the clouds just show you the vastness of the plains. I do like to see forever - but this area defines *forever*

James Michener used Keota as the headquarters when he was writing and filming his series Centennial
I don't know if you have ever watched that - we gave it a try and it is a LONG epic show.... 

the town of Line Camp in his novel was based off of this town

It amazes me that these structures still stand - I can not tell how old each one it - but can you imagine building something that stays that long?

I can't seem to find exactly what this building ( below) is - but based on the rooms I am going to think it was a boarding house.... My opinion only ,

This is the Water tower - its not in use anymore, and I bet the water now would be bad.... I bet there is gunk in there!  But I thought it was funny to see the old water tower with tanker on the ground.. do you think that has water? and the truck with equipment.  they say the town is abandoned - but we saw signs of life around the tower.

Keota dates to the 1880's when sisters Mary and Eva Beardsley built a homestead here. The history I could find said that the sisters along with their brother came out to homestead (under the homestead act of 1862)      The sisters sold their homestead in 1888 to the Lincoln Land and Cattle Company. 

A few more farmers and ranchers also established roots at the spot.

they say this was the general store and post office .. there was a mailbox out front! 

I just like the shadow play on this one.... 

This was the Methodist Church 

Just a town view - with a foundation still on the ground.

Keota was also a station stop on the Old Prairie Dog Express of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad. 

The railroad was mostly used for shipping cattle from Cheyenne to Sterling. It was abandoned in 1970 and they removed the track in 1982.

The school started ion 1888 and closed sometime in 1951. the school house was torn down - but I believe the foundation in the photo above is what is left of it.

And of course! I had to find the cemetery!!!!

It was only 425 thousand degrees outside - but I think this might be the oldest headstone in the cemetery.

It was a fun little trip. We learned that Ghost towns do not have working restrooms, or even gas stations haha!!  Okay - we knew that - but it was so amazing to see that it was just open space - with nothing like retail to ruin it.... I loved that feeling.

Hope you enjoyed our little trip 

Linking to:

My corner of the world

Through my Lens


  1. Can you imagine being one of the sisters just homesteading there--I can do without a lot of socialization but the total isolation had to be a shock! Beautiful to visit, though. Thanks for bringing us along!

  2. There's a quilt in that shadow play photo! I loved your visit to Keota. Dot

  3. Like you, old buildings fascinate me.

  4. So cool!!! I would love to visit a ghost town. We;ve come across abandoned buildings when traveling back into the mountains in Colorado, but I haven't been in a true town setting.

  5. Wow, these are the kinds of places I love to explore. It adds to the photos when you know a bit of the history behind them. This is a wonderful post!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  6. WOW!! I love the glorious old building you've shown us here, just the sort of place I should love to visit.

  7. Pat Richie9:57 AM

    My imagine goes into overdrive when I'm around old buildings/towns like this. I envision all kinds of things that must have happened. Having been raised on a homestead with no running water or electricity...which we did get in 1952...I am brought back to our old place and the cemetery where the babies from long before I was born now lay at eternal rest. I am always in wonder at the stories that are left to be told or imagined!

  8. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Incredibly beautiful. And yes, I can imagine how hot it was in that open area of sun.

    Wonder if Amazon delivers there.

    San / Gypsy Quilter


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