
Monday, May 16, 2022

Plaid Steppers

 I blame Angela for this one..... 

( Not really , but I had to start somewhere!)

Usually she gives a hint, or a clue about what the new color will be. And I really didn't need to know right away - but Lois had send me this bag of plaids..... oh maybe I should blame Lois too!!!!

In my minds eye - I was going to grab the plaids that matched the RSC color for May and Bam!!! Start in....

But then - I pulled plaids out and I just started cutting - because. what is a girl to do when she is surrounded by plaids. I think the plaid dust went to my head.

I am not sure how big this one will be, but I cut enough strips for 15 quilts ( right???)

Here is where I am at the moment:

Its really prettier in person - but with a lot of these prints -Its kind of muddy in color. and guess what?

I like it!!!

linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making  Midweek Makers


  1. I have a weakness for homespun plaids. Since they're not-so-much-in-style there are bargains (stash reduction, closeouts). I look for the brighter versions to avoid too much murky/dust. . . . But I agree that the subdued look is pleasing. Thanks for the reminder about this easy design.

  2. I recognize way too many of those plaid homespuns from my own collection. Steppers is a great way to use some up. Keep stitching!

  3. Plaids are super fun! It (and it's 14 friends) are going to be lovely! :)

  4. Who would guess it would all work so well?! Nice job!

  5. Looks great so far. Happy sewing.

  6. I'm a plaid lover, so it looks great to me!


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