
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

And now... The Ocean!!!

 If you've been reading my vacation posts - you know that we had a few destinations in mind. But everything else was kinda suggested by locals.

We are now at one of the destinations that we really wanted to get to... that was one of our goals....that was on the vacation schedule..., and it was TOTALLY worth it!!

Is that not TOTALLY gorgeous!!!
and the area is so untouched ( so don't ask , cuz you know I won't tell where ha ha!!)

Oh PS - its going to be photo laden again!

One day my friend asked me... mountains of beach?  and I said both. He said - that doesn't exist... and so!!
The photo to prove it is SO!

The coast is just so rocky and I think it is so beautiful!

Can't you just imagine Pirates here too?

Every so often - we send our kids *Proof of Life* photos. and try to make them jealous that they have to work and go to school.   Its payback!

There was a crab shack that I really wanted to go to. WM loves fresh seafood, and I really thought he Would love it... Check out the view from the crab shack.

Want to know how the crabs get to us?   Crab Traps!!!

There was a Barrier to slow the ocean water down - and on it there were a bunch of Crab Trappers - so we took a walk. and check out this seagull - I caught it in the photo!!!!

Now I know why I don't swim there tho!!!


It was so awesome - and we ended the day with another little Wine tasting.

We still haven't mastered the selfie and filters - so love us as we are ;-)


  1. What phenomenal scenery! Wow. So glad you had the opportunity to go.

  2. UGH! The jellyfish brought back memories of my childhood. My grandma had a cottage on the Chesapeake Bay and we used to go there to swim, fish, relax, etc. Well, we swimmers often had those danged things to deal with. Our payback was netting them and leaving them on the pier to dry..take THAT, dang jellyfish!!

  3. Thank you for sharing such gorgeous photos ... so good!

  4. I grew up in th SF Bay Area and some of my best memories are of being awakened in the dark so we could go clamming in Tomales Bay or Bodega Bay. My mom loved abalone, which could only be gotten in low tide. The Cali coast in the north is just breathtaking.

  5. Absolutely beautiful photos!!!

  6. I am so enjoying your vacay photos! Haha, we can't do selfies good either, my arms aren't long enough so DH has to do it.

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  8. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Mountains and beach are together in some places on this earth. You just have to know where. (and yes, I know where)

  9. What a beautiful location for some vacation relaxation!

  10. Looks like a great location. I'm thinking the Oregon coast. Where ever it is it looks beautiful.


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