
Thursday, January 06, 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2022

 I am starting to think about this years Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

( I know - I'm a little behind... the story of my life)

I don't know exactly what I want to do yet - but I sorted some hand dyed Scraps into a bucket....

What I do know - 

I don't want to work with these blocks:

These are the blocks that I used for the 2021 Challenge and I made placemats. A LOT of placemats!

I had fun, but I am over it... well at least for January.

So!! Who wants these?


  • They are pieced by a sweet lady who works with her scraps
  • Not a one is the exact same size (I ended up piling 6 together and trimming them and bam - they were the same size then
  • There is a lot.  Like maybe 50
  • If you are interested - leave me a comment here
  • On Sunday I will pick TWO people to send  blocks too.
  • Must live in the continental US  - I am not familiar enough with overseas shipping anymore

Now I must go back to thinking about what project I would like to do for RSC


  1. What a super fun idea!!!

  2. I would be very interested in you scrap blocks. I have an idea for a pattern and premade blocks would make the work go so much easier. I read your blog daily and it is so wonderful to see your quilts and farm.

  3. Your thoughtfulness to share these blocks will help with a project I am going to join.
    My quilting guild makes placemats for our local seniors at home, and these blocks will be perfect for this project.
    Thank you for your generosity.
    Donna Weeks (aka Momma Llama)

  4. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Leaving a comment, but please don’t send me your blocks. I am taking your tact with orphans and doing placemats to give away this tear. Starting with a box of host’s from an old swap. Too much stuff, so I am moving it on. Good for you release it into the world.

  5. I like the idea of starting with a clean slate. Sometimes it is the best way to move forward.

  6. I would love to have these blocks. Even if they are not the same size, I'll still be able to square them up and VIOLA a new quilt!! Thanks for the offer

  7. Alycia, I'd take on your lovely red scrappy blocks! I'd make a few placemats too, then use the rest to make a table runner or topper to match. My plans for RSC 22 is to do the same as last year and make one project each month using up the chosen colored scraps. It seemed much easier than adding on to one big project each month. I'm not exactly sure what this month's project will be, but it will happen!

  8. Raising my hand! I love getting random stuff and figuring out a way to do something with it! One of my goals this year is to use up more of my random in two totes. Crazy what leftovers will get ya!

  9. I would be happy to receive blocks for a donation quilt!

  10. Oh, thanks for a chance to win your leftover RED blocks, Alycia!!
    (The Joyful Quilter @ work.)

  11. I just moved from a 4 bedroom house to an apartment in another state 3000 miles away and had to leave behind so much of my quilting supplies. These blocks would be a blessing for me.

  12. I will take your leftovers. The wheels are turning. Thanks for weekly inspiration.

  13. Well, they would look great in an orphan block donation quilt no matter what the size! (hand raised, "pick me, pick me")

  14. Not Entering Your Giveaway!

    You have lots of takers and I am practicing "Balance". :)

    I'm still trying to decide exactly which blocks to do. Just downloaded the tracking sheets from Angela's blog.

  15. I would be happy to receive your blocks. I have always wanted to make a Broken Dishes quilt and this would give me a great start. And red is my favorite color. Thank you.

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog so that I could be fortunate to find your blog! Its great. I love red anything! Sounds like you a scrap lady after my heart.

  17. I would love to work with these left over blocks!

  18. Perfect for RSC--they are red and lonely and ready to be joined into a quilt! lol

  19. The comfort quilts I could make with those for the Indian Reservations in Arizona!! Or the orphanages in Ethiopia!! I love the puzzle of using leftover blocks. And love your blog. Your quilts are gorgeous!

  20. Finding a new home for the blocks you do not want to work with any longer - very clever idea! Someone will make good use of them.

  21. I always love trading scrap and scrap blocks with friends and making something 9utof them. Since COVID haven’t met with friends so this hasn’t happened. I’d love to show you what can happen with others share

  22. What a great idea. You can always send me blocks. Enjoy putting them together.
    Linda Lafford


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