
Monday, September 13, 2021

I got Sidetracked.....

..... and may have started a new obsession.... My Man?.... not real sure what to think haha!

It started with my Friend M - She makes these cute little hats to put in Operation Shoebox Boxes.. and she said.... I need about 100 more hats... anyone interested in helping?  I can teach you.

oops - 

So one time - I tried to take a knitting class, and I was knitting (or something like it) and the lady next to me said "Let me see your project" and she grabbed it and started feeling it.

She said - you have a LOT of dropped stitches. I asked how she could tell, cuz, um, no disrespect, but aren't you blind? and she said - Yep I am - and I can feel your mistakes.   I did keep trying to finish that project, but I had no one to come home and continue to help me knit.... so I gave it up. 

M said - I can teach you - and I said - you have your work cut out for you.

and now LOOK!!

I made Three Small people ones!! The pink ones I did not make a brim on.... but then she showed me how to make a brim - so I tried on the Black one - Go Me! I didn't screw it up too bad. 

The Black and White one was inspired by Belted Galloway cattle down the road from me. ( google them)

Then!! I graduated to regular people sizes... and Variegated yarn ;-)

At this, the Husband wasn't too upset about - but then.... we went on a little weekend getaway and the first place that I saw was called "Yarned and Dangerous"   And guess what?

I convinced him to go in!! haha!

It is in a really old historic Building - Built in the late 1800's , but here's the reason he stayed... The original owner was a big hunter - and as most big hunters do, they have animal heads - and so!!

I shopped - He dreamed about hunting!! haha! It worked out good!

What is your favorite yarn to make hats from? 

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Monday Making


  1. We used to live in Scotland and called those cows Oreo cows! I love your little hats! I can’t knit but I did buy one of those circle looms! It’s not fun! What a cute name for a yarn shop; good way to bring in the husbands!

  2. That’s a great project! My first thought is: yikes Alycia, don’t leave quilting behind! But then I realized your dedication to our veterans will not be hindered. It’s always good to try new things. I don’t knit but I will pass this onto my knitting sister.

  3. I've crocheted many, many baby hats but have NEVER been able to learn to knit though I've tried many times. Our guild collected baby hats for the county hospital mostly and I always liked the way the knitted ones looked better than my crocheted ones. Sadly, I just don't knit--but DANG, you do! HA Good job!

  4. You drop stitches, I make huge stitches! I cannot get the right gauge, even with needle changes, so I don't knit much. Have used wool and poly on the two hats I have made. You are doing really well!

    I love those cows! A whole field of them is really neat!

  5. You get so much done, your fingers must fly through projects! Yarned and Dangerous is SUCH a great name; so fun that you both enjoyed that store! Your hats look pretty awesome. My only knitting attempt was so tight I had to throw it away, no way to pull it apart.
    I have a beloved print hanging in my kitchen of belted Galloways on a farm; it's called In From The Fields by Peter Sculthorpe.

  6. Yea You!!! Way to go! I have lots of knitting stories but the best one was recently I knit a hat for a friend's new baby. My gauge was way off so the baby hat would probably be better for a chihuahua!!! It just sat like a pimple on the sweet baby's head!!! I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

  7. Uh oh, be careful, yarn is such a deep rabbit hole. I have so much now and I said I'd never stash it. Since I'm allergic to wool and most everything I make is for charity, I use acrylic. I'm allergic to wool so at least I can't start stashing expensive yarn! I made a skull shawl from a nice cotton yarn. Have fun!

  8. Good for you!! The hats are cute. I'm constantly finding diversions that lead me down rabbit holes I had never planned on exploring! Oh, well; we'll never run out of things to do!

  9. Loved your post today -- I am sitting here knitting for "Hats for the Homeless ME" so it really was fun to read. I am a very slow knitter and prefer crochet - but my crochet items tend to grow so knitting it is. I am addicted to yarn shops even though I cannot afford those luscious hanks - petting is fun tho. Enjoy.

  10. I thought I had the wrong blog for a minute! I'm so proud of you!!!! These are really fine hats--and you even visited a yarn store (with DH-amazing!) Very nice work. I love to knit and could send you a few hats-any size in particular?

  11. I recently learned to knit and love it. My 2021 goal was to knit a hat a week and I am on pace to make it, some are adult sized some itty bitty, now I need a charity to donate them to. Can you tell me more about Operation Shoebox please?

  12. See that is why folks wear sunglasses in the they can smile and look cool and don't have to squint their eyes :-D

  13. Nothing wrong with branching out.... plus, sometimes it's nice to have a project you can work on and not look at it too much. That never works for me when quilting. Sometimes, if the pattern is simple, I can knit without looking or messing up the pattern. (not always though!)


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