
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Hawaiian Shirt .... Finish!!!

 I finished another Shirt.... It's a different style than the first one, and quite frankly - A little easier!!

I think its called a Hawaiian Style?  

And I really did use a Hawaiian Print!!  The top is the man trying it on for me to see if I got the sizing close to right - and then LB came home... ( yay!! But he took a lot of groceries back home with him!)

And goofed off a little for me! Oh ya - he also did chores for the weekend so we could get away for a bit. I love having Kids that know what they are doing!

I think I may now be ready to cut into his Special Fabric.... Maybe..... I'm still a little worried.

Also - for my Birthday ( in August) I asked if we could go to the Wild Animal Sanctuary. it is one of the most coolest places in Colorado - and so... we went on safari.

Well - not like a real safari - they have an elevated walkway up above the place - Its a mile long... and I love it. Took my camera and just pretended I was in Africa....

Now... read this photo from right to left - Top right - she is stalking the ducks and hunting in her pond, 

Bottom Right - she turns my way.... silently stalking

Then left - She jumps - and I threw my camera up and screamed - then went - HEY!!! I wanted that photo - and tried again.  It was really awesome to watch.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun to visit without the cost of a safari (which won't happen in my lifetime!)!!

  2. What a great party shirt! Your son looks thrilled with it! Did the tiger get the duck??? You left us hanging! Ha! Great pictures!

  3. What a cool shirt! He looks very handsome in it. :)
    How fun to go on a Colorado safari! Lol on throwing your camera.

  4. Oh boy, the shirt construction is looking good. Can't wait to see the 'favorite fabric'. HA I wonder if that's one of the places that Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Vet occasionally does volunteer stuff at. I know he does quite a bit of that in lots of different animal sanctuaries. Looks like fun.

  5. What a cool place (yes, I followed the link). Hooray for you and the shirts - they look amazing.

  6. Great job on the garment sewing--looking good and you can make his 'special fabric' shirt now, for sure! The wildlife 'safari' looks amazing--so glad you had a special time out!

  7. Were you surprised tigers like water?

    Lovin' the shirt. Aloha!


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