
Monday, June 14, 2021

Diamond Back

 I am working on my One Monthly goal and putting the blocks up on my wall, and I turn and look - and I scared myself!!!

You all!!! it looked like a rattle snake skin to me!!

It did to my husband too - so I am renaming the Rectangle Wrangle ( Quiltville design) to


and that is the only anything near a snake that I want to ever see in my life... yep!!

And ( oh Weedy Mama!! ) I would like to point out that I have finally made it as a quilter  - I have 4 projects up on the design wall....

but! Better yet - I have a stack of them next to the sewing machine... its getting deep in here people!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts

Monday Making  at Love Laugh Quilt


  1. Diamondback is a terrific name for that! And the blue one sticking out looks interesting! Sounds like you are having fun!

  2. That really DOES look like a rattler!

  3. It does look like a rattlesnack. I agree with you....I don't want to be any closer than the computer screen. :)
    It is pretty.

  4. It looks great, Alycia! (Proving that an all-brown quilt can be beautiful.)

  5. Ooo, it's looking so good! I like the snake vibe (but don't think I'd like a rattlesnack like Meloney's..HAHA).

  6. You are so right in so many ways. It does look like a snake pattern, but the colors and changes look great together. And, that is the closest I ever want a snake near me, in my house or within my eyesight. Wishing you success with the many projects underway,

  7. I agree with you!!! That does look like a snake!!! Great quilt; maybe you can gift it to a snake lover! Ha!

  8. I like the quilt but not the name, those things give me the creeps big time!!

  9. LOVE it!! The pattern and fabric, but not the animal. With projects piling up, it sounds like it might be time to carve out some time to finish up a few, Alycia!!

  10. I was scared to read past the S word....I am terrified of them. Even saying the word or hearing it terrifies me. Probably have nightmares tonight. Well done on the progress. ☺

  11. Yahooo!!!! 4 projects! Make sure the right pieces get attached the the right pieces, and not the wrong ones.

    And I'm with you -- rattlesnakes! Bet you didn't know I could launch straight up like those heli/planes.

    Good job.

  12. Saw this on IG, and it really does resemble the rattler, and it's beautiful!!

  13. It does look like a snake skin! It will make a cool guy quilt!

  14. Yes, it does look like a rattler. I'll skip this quilt, since I've been up close and personal with rattler's in the past.


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