
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fabric Giveaway Day 6

 Joyful asked if my sewing area was looking really organized... the answer was yes.. it did... but then I started stitching again... so now.. no.

I greatly admire organized people, and people who can put things away at the end of the day. I can do that in my House ( you know like dishes, laundry, food) ... but in my sewing space?  DO NOT mess with my piles people... you might see a side of me you don't like 😂🤣!

Alright - so todays Fabrics I won't use in 2021....  

Aren't these so cute!  Those little sewing machine ones have different machines and scenes on them. I counted how many there were, but I didn't write it down - so Surprise!! there is more than 2!!  

We had fun looking at the side dishes, appetizers , etc - so apparently we like food.... but this time - If you are interested tell me what you favorite place to visit would be... You can have gone there - or just dreaming about going there.... 

And ps - quite a few of you are no reply bloggers, so leave me a way to email you please ;-)


  1. Very pretty fabrics! My dream is to go to Switzerland. Someday...when the pandemic is over???

  2. Thanks for another awesome giveaway, Alycia.
    I have never been there, but I would love to go to Paris. I have read about it and think it would be a wonderful place to visit.

  3. Any where with a beach and warm sun. Ha it's winter in the midwest. Yummy fabrics.

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Lovely fabrics. My favorite place to visit Hawaii!!

  5. I have been to Vancouver and Victoria but I'd like to visit the eastern side of Canada. My sewing area got a big clean up the weekend before Christmas. Our son is moving out in the next few weeks and I plan on rearranging some rooms and taking over what was the guest room. All of my sewing things in one place would be --- well, words can't describe it. I'm very lucky in my space now so I'm not complaining. Just dreaming!

  6. My goodness you are uncovering some oldies :) I think I see a theme to the ones you won't be!

  7. Whoops! Thanks for owning up to the fact that your sewing space is still a train wreck, Alycia. Now, I don't have to feel SEW bad about mine!! :P

  8. I am a knitter as well as a quiltmaker. I would love to visit Estonia and Latvia to learn more about their unusual knitting techniques. Dot

  9. Love the soft colors and the theme of the fabric. Enjoy reading your blog.


    Forget a get away, I would just love to hug and squeeze my Grandchildren again! The last time I saw them in the flesh was March!!

  11. What pretty fabrics and I love the vintage sewing machines! I would love to visit Finland where my family is from! Thank you!

  12. ROME, was supposed to go this past year and then.....

  13. I'd love to make it to Alaska for the trip we couldn't take this year...And won't take in 2021 either. I'm waiting for more vaccinations to happen first. These are pretty floral fabrics that would go with the others I am saving for a special quilt. Thanks!

  14. I want to go to Germany to visit my son and also to see the Christmas markets! cknapp3626*at*sbcglobal*dot*net

  15. Gorgeous fabrics! I like going to Arkansas for the beauty but mostly to see my sons and grandkids as last visit there was May 2019!!!

  16. Would like to go to Norway.

  17. LOTS of places I's love to travel to, but my husband's health won't allow that. BUT, I am leaving Sun to go meet my first great-grandson, so that will have to do for now!!

  18. I'd like to go back to Ireland - specifically Ashfield Desmesne, Beagh Parish,Galway where my paternal ancestors lived.

  19. I'd love to visit Austria someday as it's where my great grandfather immigrated from. Right now we're quarantined and those little sewing machines look so cute.

  20. the Smokies , so peaceful

  21. I want to go visit my brother in Florida again. The location of a vacation is not as important as the people we spend it with. Any place is a vacation if we are with the ones we love.


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