
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

OnLine shopping revisited

When I Told you about my Online Shopping experiences many of you thought that was a different way to shop... and I totally agree... but .... I thought maybe you would want to go on my next shopping experience!!

This is what I see on my computer.

Notice - there are people there - so I could go in person. BUT!!!  The sales sometimes last 4-7 hours, plus the drive time for me to get there... I just decided I would stay home and shop.

The pen man moves them around, the auctioneer yells prices, and sometimes he stops to answer questions.
 And then the cattle turn the other way - and  I say HEY!! Over here - I want to see you better... and they laugh at me and no one listens.... Kinda like the way it is when I talk to my husband sometimes
( Bwahh haa haa... he doesn't read my I can pick on him!!)

 This is Buford.... Buford has taken on the job of taking care of O'liney  ( the red heifer in the back)

But Buford.. he does not respect fences, and he seems to think that it is okay to walk through them....

 Apparently the grass is greener on the other side?  And don't laugh - that wire on his chest is electric - and supposed to give him a little shock... he doesn't feel it!  ( PS - it is actually a solar fence - so sometimes doesn't have much of a kick till the sun shines)

Oops - Hi Lady.... You caught me!!
( PS - this fence is now 6 wires and re strung and he can't get his head through any more)

These are my last two purchases

These are good heifers - and work into my program just right - but can I tell you a secret?

This Black and White one.... I kinda bought her for her pretty color.  Your not supposed to think about that as the first thing you like about an animal... but when she came in the ring... I kinda hoped no one else would bid on her...

Anyways - the other benefit of shopping from home... when they bring a pen in that I am not interested in.. I iron, or piece, or cut.... It is *MY* time... I like it!!

Back to quilting - haha!!


  1. I can't believe he doesn't feel the electric charge. Tough guy. You seem to have mastered this type of online shopping. ☺

  2. The black and white one is pretty. Hopefully she'll taste good, too.

  3. Online shopping like no one else I know!!! LOL!

  4. I love seeing stories about your ranch life. Never in a zillion years would I have ever imagined buying livestock online, but obviously I'm behind the times. How many cattle do you have? And horses? And other animals?

  5. It still is funny seeing you buy via online video. I have no experience with farm animals, so it is entertaining seeing you work!

  6. Seeing that guy reaching through the fence & not feeling the hot wire brings back memories. When I was a kid on the farm there was an electric fence going from the somewhat small feedyard down to the creek so the animals could go get a drink. My brother and I would see who could grab that wire and hang on. I could, he couldn't. Don't think I would even try it now.

  7. My daughter wants a cow so bad. But living in her 1200 square foot house with 2 huskies and a cat, I don't think she has room for one. Bwahahaha!!! They do plan to have enough acres to have cows and chickens someday, but then she also wants 1 of every breed of dog there is, so...yeah.

  8. Ha, like buying a car-the first thing I list is the color!
    I think this an efficient way of purchasing the cattle! Good for you!
    The first time my teenage son saw a cow with its head stuck through the fence trying hard to reach a patch of green grass while he had hundreds of acres behind him, Son said, 'That old saying really is true!" We laughed hard.

  9. Very interesting..cow shopping online! HA They do say you can buy anything online and now I believe it! How many how you buyin' this year? And are you just adding or replacing?

  10. Great memories... My dad bought and sold cattle and horses. There were at least 3 livestock auctions, one was horses only, a week in 3 different towns 40-60 miles or so from home. Before I started school and then during the summers after I started school, I would go to the auctions with him. I loved the animals and always looked forward to going. He took cattle, sheep and pigs to the terminal market several times a week. I would ride in the truck with him whenever I could. It was so much fun. I learned to drive in a a big stock truck. That was sooo long ago but seems like yesterday. Thanks for the memories!

  11. Wow that is certainly not the type of online shopping I've ever done. I love reading about your farm and animals too.

  12. Yes, this takes the cake as far as an online shopping experience-- and cubside pick-up too! ;) Your posts are always interesting and wonderful.

  13. I had no idea you could really do that kind of shopping on line. Pretty cool and totally works with a busy quilter


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