
Monday, June 08, 2020

A Little Wind Event

On Saturday the news weather people said that we would have some high Winds in the afternoon, and honestly - I have not been watching the news much... So I got on to a few on the Weather apps - and I started moving things into the barns....

Good call!

We got home from Picking up some heifers - and as I was unloading them the wind started gusting and it took my sunglasses RIGHT OFF MY FACE!!  That was crazy!

My Son had been adding some T posts to a fence line - and The Post hole Driver - which is pretty heavy metal rolled a few times.

I feel like these should have been warning signs..... Just sayin'

We penned everything in and ran into the house. This was the cloud formation coming our way.
Later we learned that is was one of the biggest continuous squall lines in our weather history - apparently it spanned from Cheyenne WY to Pueblo ( southern) CO and all of it was producing winds of 65-80 mph - sustained winds.....

We saw those clouds then I swear they just turned black and we could not see a thing. I might have yelled at everyone to go get in the basement ... don't grab a thing - just run...

and 10 minutes later... the rain started... It was so weird.

The wind died down a few hours later and we ventured out to see what all we had left - above is the corner of our roof.  That is just not too bad for those winds - the peak of the roof lost a few shingles too.  So we temporarily repaired those and will call real roofers out.

Two of our water tanks - that have survived a tornado and a few 65 mph hour winds - were gone. I went out Sunday Morning - I found one about 1/4 mile away and the heaviest one - that really shocked us that it flew - was about 3/4 of a mile away.  

I was watched by our new resident Antelopes! The big guy standing.... he got scared and ran. The doe - she stood , watched where I was going, and promptly laid back down again. I feel like she teased him later ....

My Pig barn - that has lived here ( we built it) for 25 years was destroyed. There were no pigs so nothing other than Structure.. but still... it was so old!! almost as old as me... ( see 25 - I still think I'm a kid!)

and we won't even talk about the arena - that was not a primary concern for me Sunday - so you know that while you are reading this... I have probably dragged a kid to the arena to see what panels, and stuff we need to fix there.... 

Those people that live in Tornado alley, and all those people who graciously clean up after natural disasters - I have always been amazed by them - but their value just went up a million in my eyes.

PS - do you think there is a Reboot Button for 2020???


  1. We sure do need that reboot button. Glad you are all safe.

  2. Wouldn't it be nice to not remember the corona virus, all the demonstrations and riots, the loss of millions of jobs and a cratering economy? Sorry to hear of your crazy wind weather. It is nuts where tornadoes are common and the devastation can be massive. But I've grown up with that and I pretty much ignore the sirens when they sound off.

  3. Mid may I had a wind event here is western South Dakota.I have a cow/horse/hay shelter that is open on one side 20 x 76. The wind picked it up, tore the roof off and spread it out over the pasture and the neighbors. Luckily that was the only damage.

  4. I couldn't believe the winds on Saturday. We (Fort Collins) were fortunate not to receive damages unlike you. I think the winds must have picked up more speed as it hit more open ground. Hope you can get things fixed quickly.

  5. I am all for rebooting this year! I am sorry you had destruction but glad you are all okay.

  6. Wow. I am so glad your damage is peripheral and you are safe!
    June means the beginning of hurricane season for us. And tornadoes on the fringes. It keeps us remembering that we aren't the ones in control of everything in our little worlds....

  7. So glad you are all safe. Weather is one thing you can't fool with. Hopefully that is the last "big" event for 2020. We can pray that it is. Take care.

  8. glad everything can be fixed and that it didn't take your roof off!! scary - living in Arkansas in tornado alley I know how scary those storms can be - I have never seen a tornado but have had damage from the winds that can come from those storms and have spent time in storm shelters more than I like

  9. We had that wind, too, up here in Loveland, but it was nowhere near like what you experienced. Glad you are okay and not too many repairs needed!

  10. Sorry about the damage. I grew up in Tornado Alley and now live on the far northern edge of it. Hope you can get everything fixed up quickly. Watch out for scammers (they follow every storm event).

  11. I'm glad you, your people, and animals are all okay. So sorry for the wind damage you're dealing with in the aftermath. Yes, we sure do need that 2020 reboot button!

  12. The winds hit here on Friday and Saturday and the NOAA radio was alerting nearly all afternoon with severe warnings and even a tornado warning. Glad that you found the tanks. I hope the repairs can be done quickly. Snow is predicted here tonight. The world is all topsy turvy.

  13. I glad to hear that you guys are ok. Damage can be repaired, but lives can't be replaced. Those were some super scary clouds!!!

  14. The wind here in NE Nebraska was absolutely insane Sat. night & yesterday. Still blowing fairly strong this morning, but it has finally gone down a lot, just a stiff breeze left.

    Yes, 2020 needs a reboot. I'd gladly repeat all of 2019 just to avoid 2020.

  15. I'm so glad you and your family are OK! Yes, we certainly do need a reboot.

  16. So sorry. Reboot 2020 is needed, for so many reasons. Good luck with what you must do.

  17. Carlie Nichols7:39 AM

    Yikes!! That's one awful looking sky. Glad you are safe and hope the damage can be fixed quickly.

  18. So in about a month's time, there have been Derecho events in Nashville, Philadelphia and Denver. Do you think God's trying to tell us something? Glad you only had fixable damage and no one was hurt.

  19. Definitely need a reboot button for 2020. We had wave after wave to wind and heavy rain on Monday night and Tuesday. We lost parts of 2 trees, but neighbors had whole trees down. Just west of us a few miles there were over 100 power poles down and buildings destroyed. So we are counting our blessings.

  20. Yikes! So sorry about all the damage! Wow, we got only the edges of all that wind, no damage just annoying for 4 days! They did get snow in Laramie earlier this week! But you probably knew that! Weird 2020, indeed!


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