
Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas Horses ( or chore time on Christmas Day)

Event though we think we are on vacation... the animals do not agree, and they still demand to be fed, and worked , and given some attention to..... So while my Nephew and Brother in Law were training some of the colts.... I attracted them....

He thought I had food!  He was orphaned when he was 3 days old, and I think... he doesn't remember that he is a horse, and he comes so close!  ( he also tries to eat your jackets.... just beware... he is still being trained about that!)

Working the colts in the round pen.

My Nephew needs to get 30 rides on him this month,
and this was ride 3 on this colt.

He does a lot of ground work before getting on them,
and it totally pays off

He had this colt stopping and backing really good after only 3 rides.

Then we have to head out and feed all the mares.
The mares stay in closer pastures during the winter so they can be watched more.

but!!  They like to go over the ditch ( for water) and play hide and seek
so we drive the truck towards them,

and then they come running to our side.
Goof balls

Most of all the young colts were born in May 2019
but somehow this mare escaped the breeding program
and her baby was born in September (above)- so she is special ;-)

I was still in the truck and this one wasn't sure what to make of me
She didn't know if I would feed her from the seat, or if she should ignore me!!

and this one just made me laugh!
She sorta has an attitude right??

I wish that I would have taken my big camera this day...
It was just beautiful and sunny out - but, All I remembered was my cell phone.
And they are not too bad, but you know... I just love that big camera!

Hope you all Had a Merry Christmas!!

We took a special trip to Denver to see a Special Santa's Helper.
This year, my Horse Shoer got into the act,
and you know - he is pretty much family - I have known him forever and a few days,
so it was fun to get our photo with him

You can learn more about them at Come to the Source sale if you want. If you are into blood lines - they are all Blue Valentine and Joe Hancock Horses... and they are hard working horses.

Linked to:
Our World Tuesday


  1. your horses look beautiful love seeing photos of them!

  2. Great photo of your family. How many horses do you have? I am sure they are like people with all different personalities!

  3. Karen, this was a super fun read. I have been around horses my whole life, but I am nervous around them. I think my dad over-taught safety and under-taught fun. He runs 20-30 horses on his place and some cows. My husband and I only have 3 horses. They are pretty expensive to feed if you don't have a ranch.

    Thans again for this great read! Have a great 2020.

  4. Happy New Year to you Alycia and all yours... and the horses.
    Is that a dinosaur shirt on your tallest son? Great family picture.

  5. LOVE your Santa family photo, but what's this about Big Bit with a Special Someone?!?!?

  6. Hard working life, but a great one. Being around all those babies and watching them grow and learn must be very rewarding!

  7. Seeing the pictures of your horse makes me miss my horse so much!! I just want to go home so badly, but I'll get there eventually!! Until then, I'll enjoy the pictures of your beautiful horses!!!

  8. I've loved horses for as long as I can remember. I grew up in Los Angeles so it was a challenge. My dad rented horses with me at about five years of age. In those days the Los Angeles riverbed was dirt, sand and willows. Later when I got my first horse in junior high school it was a cement channel with a trail along the side. To get around some bridges you had to ride down a dirt covered cement ramp into the bottom and back up on the other side. In rainy weather you were constrained to one section. But I had a horse and that is all I cared about. - Margy

  9. Looks like you made a family deal out of the chores. Hopefully that made them more fun. Love the family holiday shot. Hopefully Santa was good to all of you.


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