
Monday, August 19, 2019


We had a great week and a crazy week, and a few days in between - and I think I might still be an emotional wreck - which if you know me well - would totally surprise you.... Emotions rarely get me... unless that stupid steer escaped my fencing again - then you will see ANGER!!

My sons - they continue to amaze me every day ..
this oldest one of mine...

He jokes and says he went to summer camp - but in reality he was accepted into Officer Candidate School ( OCS) at Marine Corp Base Quantico - and he worked his A$$ off...

He is now a 2nd Lieutenant, USMC

This is us - pinning his bars on

Just so you know I did it better, as he said - 
It needs to be an inch up from the collar - so mom
4 of your seam allowances

I might have laughed through my tears of Happiness for him.

And of course - we have to represent our state!

If you look at the picture above there are some things right behind my sons head.
ya! They have to climb those things and GO OVER THEM!!

I would just wait for the ambulance to come get me 

Him with his Brothers
We were so excited to all be able to go and watch him Commission

Just so you know
It is HOT there!!
It had been in the high 90's with a heat index of 108
So, naturally I was concerned about my hair ( ha ha)

The day he Commissioned
On Black Tar
It was only 95 so we were good!! 

This is the beginning of his journey
He is on the Law Track - which means he will become a JAG
after he completes his 3rd year of Law School and passes the Bar.

We are pretty excited for him - but it still feels weird to say my Son, the Marine.


  1. You have a beautiful family! Congratulations to your son! Of course he has a QOV, right?

  2. Congratulations to you and your son. It is a great accomplishment that you should all be very proud. Thanks to your son for his service!

  3. Congratulations! To all!

  4. Once. marine, always a Marine! Welcome to the Marine Mom Corp.

  5. you must be so proud of him and on to law school too - hope he does well.

  6. How awesome is that?! I know you are so proud! My son joined straight outta high school and went to Camp Pendleton. When we went for his graduation and saw the film showing what all they had to do in boot camp, I was ASTONISHED!! No way I could've done it. He went to Quantico for some training and did some stuff with drones. Looks like your boy has a very cool future ahead (btw, my attorney was a JAG in the Air Force..I love her!).

  7. Great pictures of ypur family! Congrats on your Marine's accomplishments!

  8. Wonderful family. So proud of you all.

  9. Wow, that is amazing! Congratulations to your son and to you two, his parents! Our son served in the Air Force over 20 years ago, and we still are so proud of the man he has become!

  10. My grandson is a Marine, Currently at Pendleton, but going to Japan next month for a year, so no visiting, then.

  11. Hi Alycia! Oh, I love all of these pictures. I cannot, in my wildest dreams, imagine climbing those tall walls and go over them! How exciting that he'll be a JAG in three short years. I wish him much success, and {{hugs}} to you. What a nice family you have. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Congratulations To your son. It's A very hard boot camp. My husband served in the Marine Corp during Vietnam.

  13. That is quite the accomplishment and definitely something to be proud of!!! Thank you for teaching your son to love our country enough to serve in the USMC!! Semper Fi!!!

  14. Congratulations to your Marine. Wonderful that family could all be together for the occasion.

  15. OMG!!! Didn't see THAT one coming!!!

  16. Carlie Nichols7:06 AM

    Congratulations to him and your whole family! With much appreciation for your service to our country.

  17. No wonder you are proud!! That is awesome!!
    Your hair looked great too!!

  18. I know you are so proud of him! And a great reason for everybody to get together :)

    My Corner of the World

  19. Beautiful family and I love the seam allowances comment!

  20. Congratulations to your new Marine and the whole family. I know that's a great accomplishment. My son is a Marine. He went to boot camp and then qualified to go to OCS but blew out the tendons in his feet the 2nd week in. So on he goes. He's been in for 11 years now and loves it. I guess he is a lifer. Your son will do great things, I'm sure.

  21. Congrats to your son. I know you are proud!


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