
Monday, August 26, 2019

College and Horses??

Remember the emotions I told you about?

ya - well this kid - Little Bit - decided to grow up and go off to college... WHY??

Did he not remember the contract I had him sign to say he would live with me till I was 90?

He decided to Fly the coop and go to college!
For those counting - that makes THREE in COLLEGE all at the same time.... *sigh*

My Fishing buddy
My Pal 
My Kemosabe

and my biggest goofball in the world
Has grown up

and of all the move in pics I got...
it was this one
Making the shower taller for the 6'7" kid

Isn't that funny?

 (PS That is a Waterpik Showerhead and they are SO super easy to install)
(PPS I have one with a massage setting - so great after quilting all day)

Well - Middle Bit went back today - 
so now...

I guess it is on to the Design wall

The top and Bottom row are sewn
The center is Done

just need to do the two big seams and choose a border - and I will have a top!!
There is PROGRESS being made - YAY

Linking to:
Moving it forward at Ems Scrapbag
Monday Making at Cooking Up Quilts
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and more


  1. Several years ago we had to do install a new bathtub/shower. I had the plumber put the shower head up high so our 6'6" son could actually stand underneath it! He always loves to come and visit and use the shower, no one else has one this high. Our 6'2" son in law loves it too. It's sad to see them leave home but they love to come back to visit and eat mom's cooking! The quilt looks great and now you have more time for sewing, happy stitching!

  2. Maybe they're all three on full ride scholarships?!! LOL Does the height range from oldest/shortest to youngest/tallest? Sounds like 3 really great kids there!!

  3. Three kids in college - you are getting poorer by degrees :-D The only thing better than that handsome horse is the massage at the end of the day!!! Even the thought of it is delicious. Hope you have a great week.

  4. Congrats on successfully launching your boys! I guess Little Bit isn't so little any more. Your horse quilt is coming along nicely - are you keeping this one for yourself?

  5. Congrats on raising responsible adults that want to learn and grow! Good job mom! Thanks for sharing your quilt with Moving it Forward

  6. SEW... Is it an official "empty nest" now??? Woohoo!! All quilting, ALL the time!!! :o))

  7. Well, mom. That's what happens when you do it right! They grow up, grow their wings, and then take a test flight or two. Is he going to school in the DC area too? or is that part of the 'pinning' pix?

    Seems like you might have to reorder things: Little Bit is now Tallest Bit, and First Bit is now Shortest Bit? and Middle stayed in the Middle?;}

    Congrats are in order, even if they make you a little teary.

  8. I can imagine how hard it is to have all of your kids move out of home. More time for you now though xx

  9. Three all at the same time - wowsers. Congrats to your family for such accomplishments!

  10. I remember those days! I had one student teaching and two more in college at the same time. My late son used to come home almost every weekend though all through college. He was just an hour away and the youngest. Now my two girls live six hours away, hence my grandkids do too. Fun horse quilt! Enjoy your quilting time, keeping busy was the only way I made it through!

  11. We have a daughter 5 hours away in grad school, and a daughter finishing her undergrad online. At least the grad student is going almost cost free!!

  12. The blocks pair nicely with the panel.

  13. They grow up way too fast!

  14. I like the tan blocks surrounding the horse panel. I will see what you have in mind for a border. I never know what to do with panels. Goid job! Remember the kids leaving for college-now I am watching grandchildren at that age. If I get my act together and post more than once a week, I'll join your Friday linkup, Judy

  15. I would hate to see the tuition bills you are paying with 3 in college at once. I was just finishing grad school when my oldest was in college. And the younger daughter was taking some dual credit courses her senior year in HS all at the same time. It was a challenge.

  16. Oh that has to be strange to have the last one out of the house. Do you have the "new dorm room supply list" down pat at this point? Hopefully you are coping well and aren't too lonely. You should have more stitching time, but you do start to miss all the event stuff you used to go to.

  17. Oh, gosh!! Yes, THREE in at once sure is hard on the wallet, even with scholarships. We just finished that multi-student stage for our family - only three or four semesters left for the youngest, now, and I'm looking forward to suddenly feeling rich. . . Ha!! It's hardest, too, when the youngest goes off for college. Your quilt is super nice. I like the patriotic bits in the fields of gold around that terrific center.


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