
Sunday, December 02, 2018

Leadville - the Two Mile high City

For our Next trip - we loaded up and drove to Leadville, Colorado. 

I had heard of the Colorado and Southern Railroad - and their Fall Photography Trip - so I convinced the boys to check it out with me.... and again... there might have been the promise of Pizza!

We drove in - and went first to the train station - just to make sure I knew where it was before we went to explore the town

I am not going to lie - the views from this town were INCREDIBLE!!

And The colors on the trees were AMAZING!

We drove around and found a place to head out for a hike

You know that yellow drew me in right?

And check out those skies
We took jackets, sweatshirts, scarves and T shirts
We had no idea what the weather would be like
but those skies!
They made you think of snow.....

Not a bad batch of trees right?

After we checked out the surrounding area - we headed to the town... specifically to look for a pizza restaurant that the internet said existed ( it did, I am just drawn to old buildings... so you know.... that came first!)

This is the TABOR OPERA HOUSE - it was constructed in 1879 by Horace Tabor. One story says it cost $40,000 and another say $65,000 so I will guess it was between those numbers. Which sounds like a HUGE amount for those days.

Everything had to be brought in by wagon,  like a horse drawn wagon.  I don't think I would like that job.

Horace Tabor began placer mining in Leadville, and one of his claims ended up having a massive Silver Lode - which made him very rich, until President Cleveland repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890.... and he became poor again.

It is 3 stories and was built in 100 days. The solid brick walls are 16 Inches thick.

It is actually still operating today - it was owned privately and was purchased back by a historical society. You can help donate to its restoration too .... I think it is so cool to still be standing and used today

After tooling about town I finally told the boys we could go get pizza

But wait!!!
Check out that old building!!

I have no idea what it is = but I had to check it out!

Proof that I did let them eat - or at least sit there while their food was being prepared!  It was called High Mountain Pies ( cuz we were in the 2 mile high city!!)

and proof that you will read more about the train..... later....

So did you know that Leadville was almost the Capital City of Colorado?

and PS

did you know that the TABOR law in Colorado - was not named about Horace Tabor?
It has nothing to do with him!

See you next weekend for more about our Leadville Trip......


  1. I'm thinking dad had better start standing with the vertically challenged members of the family, as the 'timber' is gettin' tall!

  2. In the Seventies we made three trips to Colorado from Arkansas and Leadville was one our favorites towns.

  3. I've been through Leadville! It literally left me in I have asthma and over 10,000 feet, I don't get enough O2!! However, I love the mountains and your pictures are amazing!! How were the High Mountain Pies?? You are such a tease with the train! So, for those of us who don't live in Colorado, what is the Tabor law? Thanks for enhancing my education on the Sherman Silver Purchase Act...I'm off to continue reading about the history of the Midwest!

  4. I always enjoy your travels. Your area is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.


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