
Wednesday, December 05, 2018

itsQOV Wednesday in Colorado

Welcome to another edition of our Quilts of Valor Wednesday!!  Are you ready to be inspired???

Well here we go!

Some of you may be new to my blog - Welcome!! Mostly Every Wednesday I show off quilts that myself and our groups have made for Quilts of Valor - sometimes Wednesday becomes Mystery clue days.... but the current QOV mystery is over. ( you can still find it in the header tho!)

I will give you as much info as I know about the quilts. If a pattern is not listed... its cuz I don't know it, but I do try to give credit to those designers that I can ;-)

Sit back and Enjoy!

This is one of our FLAGS FOR SUE Quilts.  These blocks were made by our readers and quilters - I set this one, and quilted it

These next two were made and Quilted by Linda R - man she does lovely work!!
( I think they are both Bonnie Hunter or Quiltville patterns)

This one was made by Kevin the Quilter and quilted by Me - here is the info on this one HERE

I have an awesome friend in Arizona - Meredith - and she is a very prolific quilter!!
The next SIX quilts were made by her, and quilted by Ron O in New Mexico!!

Aren't they just awesome!!! I love her work!!

And the last two in todays sho!
The one on the left was pieced by Connie and Kathy - out of blocks that they taught our whole group to do!

And the one on the right was made by Crystal - she pieced and quilted it!! and its AWESOME

Hope you enjoyed our show!!


  1. I love the variety of quilts you share every Wednesday, and I always love seeing more of the Flags for Sue quilts!

  2. They are amazing! Meredith makes different ones each time... Wow. Thanks for showing them.

  3. Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  4. Wow!!! Each quilt is AWESOME!!

  5. Gorgeous quilts once again!! I love it when "charity" quilts are quality and beautiful...your groups always makes such lovely quilts for QoV!


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