
Saturday, July 08, 2017

Banana Pudding Parfait

The next mystery Clue will be posted Wednesday - it will take you right at one hour - so! You can make this, sew a little bit, and then when your clue is over - you can reward yourself with dessert!!


Better yet - have your Spouse/Partner bring you dinner so that you can sew the day away - and reward them with dessert!!

Dessert always wins me more stitching time around here

Banana Pudding Parfait


1 Vanilla Cook and Serve Pudding
( you can use instant but I prefer to make it look hard, and that I am REALLY REALLY working for my family)
1 tub of cool whip
2 bananas

This makes 4 pudding parfaits - I have boys that will eat 37 if I allow them to - so I double it!

I made the Cook and Serve pudding and let it cool for about an hour
(PS - that is enough time to actually do your clue!)

Then I set the cups up and start layering

I layer in this order:

Banana Slices - about 4-5
Whip Cream
Banana slices
and Whip Cream

Aren't they pretty?

I put them in the fridge and then when dinner is not quite ready
cuz I have been quilting
I pull them out and say

"Would you like to start with Dessert first"

and they quit whining,.... just like that!

and they are happy


  1. LOL! I was trying to figure out why you would name a R/W/B quilt "Banana Parfait."

  2. If you want to really drive them crazy, try Paula Dean's Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding:

    Easy to make and fabulous!!!! (I like it better with Nilla Wafers than the Chessman cookies, though.)

  3. Brilliant strategy!

  4. Ann Nell6:07 PM

    Gosh ! Thanks for the award winning tip ! I know a man that will love this. Thank you for the easy and delicious recipe.

  5. LOL...I know that works in this house! When the kids were growing up, we ALWAYS had desert. DH grew up with it. I did not. But, now that we're empty nesters, we try to eat healthier. Notice I said TRY. When I make something like cookies and DH walks in, his eyes just light up. Of course when I cook for a crew, all the favorites make an appearance and DH loves those weeks!


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