
Monday, June 12, 2017

The Mountains Are Calling

and sometimes you just gotta answer...

We love hiking and seeing where we can get
And I LOVE Black and White Photos.... Every so often ... in my 35mm Minolta that used real film, I would run a roll of Black and white for everyday images - and man - did I love them

We were building a Barn and some of the images are just so cool.....  SO!!

I decided to run Black and White this time, although it is digital, so you do get a color image as well.... but... well.... Hopefully you will enjoy what I saw!

Little Bit and I hiked to the Summit of one Mountain
Wow!! You could just see forever,

I don't know if you can tell from the clouds
but it was windy!!  I had to hold on to my sunglasses a few times

The birds were amazing to watch
They kept going backwards

And I met a friend
I really thought he was going to climb over my foot
and I was hoping he wouldn't

I think it would have tickled

It was 90 plus in my home town,
we got up to the top of this mountain and it was 58 
Not a bad thing!!!


  1. My mind is so use to seeing everything in color that, to me, your pictures seem more like paintings than photos. They are just beautiful!

  2. I love mountains AND your B/W phots!

  3. HA! I'm in Pagosa and was in a shop today looking at a shirt that said 'the mountains are calling and I must go'. Funny! Nice here but VERY windy! Love black and white but color shows the beautiful colors. I took a pix of a birch or aspen trunk. Gorgeous

  4. As usual, you got some WONDERFUL (quilt-worthy) shots!!

  5. Those are great photos, Alycia! Aren't we lucky to live here? What mountain did you and your son climb?

  6. Wow! Your mountains are bigger than mine! :) Gorgeous pictures!

  7. Love your pictures!! They look like the mountains in northern Nevada!! Where are these mountains? Funny, but last fall at retreat I did some embroidery for a friend there for a quilt she was making for her boyfriend...on the sashing I wrote "The mountains are calling and I must go" for her!! The mountains are always calling me...I would love to live on a mountainous island in the ocean where there are pine trees and the weather is always warm! Don't think that's ever going to happen, but I can dream!

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Beautiful photos! You have such a great eye!

  9. Judy V in Thornton CO6:32 AM

    Your B/W photos are truly striking in showing contrasts in such beautiful detail!

  10. The mountains are beautiful. No doubt about it.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  11. I love B&W photos. I used to do a lot of B&W and it always gave me a chuckle when someone would say they were very nice but too bad they weren't in color. lol Yours are very nice and I enjoyed seeing them.

  12. The black and white definitely makes for interesting pictures!

  13. Isn't it great to get away from the everyday stuff! Your photos are great and look very classy in monochrome. Sometimes color gets in the way of the beauty :)

  14. What a great day!


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