
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Quilting Away....

I tell you what - summer is just plain crazy!! There is just so much to do, and so much to do, and SEW Much to do!!   I need a few more hours in each day!!

But I did get down to the Quilting machine a bit....

and here are a few snippets.....

This one I will show you in full glory on Wednesday in the QOV show....

and here is my One Monthly Goal from May
I know...  a little late...   but

Ta Da!!
It is finished
And ready for the magical Binders in my QOV group to do it's work!!

Linking to
Oh SCrap   ( cuz every piece in my 9 patch quilt was a strip somewhere in my bins)
Monday Making
\Design Wall Monday
Main Crush Monday


  1. I love your quilt! Clever way to incorporate zigzags into your quilt. This one looks very bright and cheerful! I am looking forward to the mystery quilt next month!

  2. Alycia, your scrappy red, white, and blue with the nine patches is just so beautiful! I love it!

  3. Your OMG turned out GREAT!! Lucky you, with the binding fairies... JEALOUS!!!

  4. A wonderful quilt! I love how you have combined the 9patches and made a zigzag pattern too! Very effective!

  5. Great way to sew up those strings and use those 9 patches! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. Hey, you got your May project done. Even if it is late it is done, done, done! I like the straight line quilting. That looks very cool. Wait, I just looked at it more carefully. It's even cooler with the straight lines and the bubbles! Nifty.

  7. 9 patch -- very nice. Can't wait to see what the "tease" turns out to be.

    Doesn't the sun get up earlier in the summer in Colorado? It has been shining in my eyes by 5:30 A, but the birds start yakking about 3:30A making sure I don't miss the sun coming up.

  8. Both quilts are wonderful, I like what I see of the one you are quilting right now, interesting quilting!

  9. Great QOV - I like the nine patch/ log cabin combination and the zigzag effect. Great job!

  10. Hi Alycia,
    I had to go back to see the zig zag on your nine-patch quilt. Duh - I didn't see/notice it until it was pointed out. I love nine-patch quilts. Yours is very pretty and it looks very cuddly. I agree - there is SEW MUCH to do in the summer. ~smile~

  11. Wow, I'm amazed you actually have time to sew in the busy summer season. There must be chocolate in the cupboard.

  12. I love seeing a red, white, and blue quilt. It's just a magic color combination to me. Nice job!

  13. Like Vicki in MN said, I really like the looks of that first quilt in progress. Hope to see more.


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