
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Quilts of Valor - Mystery Quilts

I will be the first to say - I LOVE Mystery Quilts.  I have never had one turn out bad yet - and if I did - you can't prove it  ( ha ha ha)  because 90% of the time - I let a Veteran choose them.  And you know - they always are loved, and there is someone for every quilt.

I say all that to tell you that a new Mystery is starting over at the Yahoo group called MysteryQuilts4Military  

The link to join this mystery is here:

We love for everyone to join in. however we do ask that you join the group to get the patterns, and make them for yourself, not to share the patterns with others.... If they want to make them - have them join in - it's like a virtual quilting bee..

Here are a few that have been made in the past:

Pattern for all of these can be found here:

The Next Mystery starts in the Yahoo Group on the 17th of June 
So plenty of time!!
Join in - it will be fun!!!


  1. Hooray!! A new Mystery Quilt. :o))

    Boo! Hiss!! I have 2 commission quilts and a wedding quilt to finish between now and August. :o((

    Have FUN (without me... again!!!)

  2. Would love to join in . .. could you send those 2 handsome young fellas of yours over to finish fencing in and planting the garden? Then I'd have more time to sew. Dolly only likes to supervise.

  3. sigh, you just reminded me of at least one UFO waiting for me to to see if a certain puppy will allow me time to sew.....

  4. The past mystery quilts were really wonderful Alycia!

  5. Carlie7:18 AM

    I made the two middle ones. What fun!!

  6. Oh mystery quilts are fun. Thanks so much for the link!

  7. these quilts are gorgeous. I have just started with a mystery quilt. excited about it. and yet not sure, LOL I like having everything in front of me.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  8. Your quilts are beautiful. I hope to make a quilt of valor for my son-in-law one day soon.

  9. I have never made a mystery quilt. I will have to try one sometime. Those are beautiful.

  10. Can't wait for the next mystery!

  11. Your mystery quilts are wonderful. Exciting to hear about a new one coming up soon.

  12. What a perfect gift to quilters who want to honor the military. Your past quilt patterns are awesome and I bet the new mystery one will be too. So exciting!

  13. We are doing mystery quilt in our sewing group...My second one ,,lol haven't finishes first one yet... Love your

  14. I have been looking for an opportunity to sew a Quilts of Valor. Thanks Farlene

  15. Just gorgeous! My favorite is the second one -- I've never seen anything like it before.

  16. These mystery designs are really neat! I have yet to join in on a mystery quilt--partly because I lack confidence in choosing fabrics when I know the pattern and not knowing how it will turn out really scares me, and partly because I seem to always be in the middle of another project with a timeline. If all the designs are as beautiful as these, I can see I'm really missing out!

  17. what a great idea for Quilts of Valor ~ such a variety with every mystery. I'm here visiting for the Final BuzzinBumble blog ~ I loved all the inspiration from all the blogger.

  18. The quilts are all Awesome! I have never done a Mystery Quilt-a-long... Sounds fun!! & for such a Special cause!

    Thank you for sharing, etc.... know is alot of behind the scences work..grrrrreat job! :)

  19. I've pretty much sworn off mystery quilts, but you almost convince me :*) Your red/white/blue quilts are beautiful and look nothing like a "typical" mystery project!!!

  20. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I think a quilts of valor mystery is a wonderful idea. This is such a noble cause. So glad that I'm going back through all of the blogs from Lara's blog hop or I wouldn't have known about this.

  21. Visiting from BuzzinBumble...Wonderful program - Quilts of Valor. So well deserved by our veterans.

  22. Beautiful quilts and mystery designs can always be fun!

  23. That's so sweet you give them to veterans.

  24. I have never made a mystery quilt! How great to be giving these mystery quilts to veterans, I'm sure they'll be much treasured!

  25. I'm really intrigued by the idea of a mystery quilt, but have never tried one myself. Your samples from past years are beautiful, but I especially love the asymmetry of the second one.

  26. Lovely quilts. I have never tried a mystery quilt...maybe someday!

  27. Beautiful quilts for a great cause.


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