
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Street Photography

This was interesting -
If you remember ( and if you don't - I'll tell you again  - No worries! )

I am in two different photo groups - Spring Break week - one of the groups said Street Photography, and last week ( ending today) Ricky Tims class was..... Street Photography!!

So that meant two weeks of going out of my comfort zone for me!

I first googled Vivian Maier - there is a Netflix video called "Finding Vivian Maier" and I loved it!! She was a street photographer and wow - so cool

....  Week One.....

I don't live on a street - and when I remembered we were going to Arizona - I thought - they have streets there! It will be awesome.... and then we got to there, and there was in the middle of nowhere.  Ha!  What to do!  One day we went into town and went in to Wickenburg. It's a pretty cool town, pretty westerny - but there were just spurts of people.  

I got lucky and got a spurt of people.....  and this was my shot:

The Statue guy on the left made me feel like I was just being a tourist - so I didn't scare people.  I had intended to get strangers... I might know two people in this photo (oops - don't tell)

Then This week:
I headed to town a couple of times to see what I could see.

This was my final submission image:

A large group of homeless folks, just hanging out together.

Now - I did Street Photography at my house as a test.... want to see my street?

Two men discussing breakfast

" I swear you ate Bacon Bob"

"I did not Phil.. Oatmeal - I was healthy!"


  1. Great picture of the miner. Glad the snow has melted.

  2. Your "street" is SEW much better than the ones in town!!

  3. Personally, I love your "street view" at your house!!! Reminds me of my street view :) I do have a highway running in front of my house, so I guess I could snag a picture of farm equipment going by!

  4. I love your pictures of your street view. I also love the conversation between Bob and Phil!

  5. Your street is "my kind of street" :)

  6. I think things are better on your street, too.

    Second pix: "Did you think her coffee was a little weak this morning? I did."

    "Oatmeal?" Yeah, right!

  7. Those guys on your street, Bob and Phil, are my favorites Alycia. Love your humor!

  8. I like the photos from your street best, though the one from Arizona is really eye catching.


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