
Monday, January 25, 2016

monday.... the day after

So! There was a football game yesterday.

BUT!  Peyton and Brock did not sync their calendars with mine, and so in October we had started planning a QOV presentation.  Yes - these presentations do take that long....

You need to check that you can use the building, make all the quilts, invite the veterans, make sure the quilters are ready to be there..... and then the week before you start hearing a rumor....

The playoffs are that day.   And I have to tell you - that may be the first playoff game for the Broncos in years - I didn't watch.... because  there was something MUCH more important going on...


And while some think that football is life or death..... these Veterans actually KNOW life or death.

The game started at 1, ( as did our sew day)  the presentation started at 4, the Broncos won about 4:20 ish and there was a little clapping, BUT   There were MORE standing ovations for these Veterans.

We heard their stories, we learned some history, we made some Very Very happy hearts.....

And that my friends - was an awesome was to spend a Sunday

A HUGE HUGE shout out to the 30 quilters who showed up and stitched the day away, then went in to presentation mode - they all work so hard and are so appreciated too!! A HUGE shout out to those of you that worked on the quilts ( I'll show some detailed shots later)

And that ... is also why my design wall has not changed one little iota.... but no worries - I know where it is


  1. Hugs and kudos to all those involved.

  2. This is awesome. Kudos for all of you for sticking to the schedule in the face of serious temptation. This IS more important. Always will be.

  3. Great job on the quilts for the veterans - I know how much it means to them!! Well done!!!

  4. A great way to spend a chilly Sunday.

  5. It was a special presentation. So awesome the way our warriors are honored. Brought tears to my eyes


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