
Monday, December 14, 2015

The Mysteries ...Continued

The Mysteries are in full swing and a LOT of fun!!

So first, The Bonnie Mystery.... I am a little slower that I wanted to be, and am still on Clue 2 ... I just about had it finished, and then the boys needed shirts ironed before we headed out to church and!!!

To the Nutcracker!!!!   My cousin ( in law, by marriage - but I am totally claiming her) was in the Nutcracker in Fort Collins and we all went to watch her - HOW FANTASTIC!!!  She played 3 different characters and so so amazing!!

So - My ironing went from Mystery pieces to shirts!!

I wanted to show you my oops first!! I read the directions, re-read the directions and proceeded to cut my pieces all 1/2 inch short!!

Good thing I have a stash - 
I re-cut and got to stitching....

Today - I will finish Clue 2!!! That's my goal!

On to the Alycia Mystery!!
It is all done now!!
So - sadly I won't be accepting any new people into the Mystery group until January when we start prepping for the next one. So, mark your calendars to come join in then.
This is called
Stars a Waving!

And of course,
I had to do one in plaids as well 
Ha ha!!

The pattern can be found in my Craftsy store
The link is in the side bar too

Hope you all had a great weekend too 
and lots of Mystery Quilt progress!!

Linking to:


  1. that Stars Awavin pattern! Awesome for QOV.

  2. I think you must have a whole room full of plaids! Your quilt looks great!

  3. I'm a plaid Lover too! looking wonderful

  4. Mystery is coming along well. Love Stars a Waving! I just joined the yahoo group on the QOV mysteries...looking forward to joining in soon!

  5. I'm starting to collect plaids. You make me want to collect them faster!

  6. What a super design, Alycia!

  7. Your plaid mystery is looking good!

  8. Beautiful red plaids for the Allietare! MQ, love them. Don't you hate it when you cut a bit short!!

  9. Your Stars a Wavin quilts are wonderful. I especially like the plaid version. And, yes... thank goodness for stash!

  10. I love your mystery quilts, especially the plaid quilt. I missed the start of this mystery but I will be watching for the next one.

  11. Stars A Waving looks fantastic Alycia, in both versions!
    There's no doubt that you can put all those "too small" cuts to good use!

  12. Your Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt is coming right along. It took me quite awhile last year to finish my top and I still need to quilt it. Love, love, love your Stars a Wavin. I have the perfect fabric for it. Many thanks.

  13. I'm not REALLY surprised that you made a plaid version, too!!! LOL

  14. What an awesome quilt that would be for QOV- pinned for later use!
    Happy Holidays.

  15. Oh man, I *hate* when I cut pieces wrong! So glad you had more fabric in your stash to use. Your Stars a Waving quilt looks so good - I really like the plaid version, and I didn't even think I liked plaid!! Thanks for linking to MCM. :)

  16. You've made great progress on the Bonnie mystery and your mystery quilt is beautiful. It will be a very popular QOV.

  17. Great design and love all the plaids!


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