
Friday, December 11, 2015

Blue and Yellow from Julie

Julie, who blogs over at Quilts and Costumes , sent me a box of Quilts Of Valor tops with awesome Backings AND!! Pillowcases!!

I love her colors and quilts and I just couldn't wait to start quilting one of them.....

Here it is!

Isn't that cool!
Do you remember that we did this block as a block drive?
Well we did - maybe 2014 ish?  ( I really am not good with dates!)
Well - she made her whole own top - and Whoot Whoot

It is now quilted, and is in the To Be Bound Pile!!
( I believe this is 29 for me this year)

And this is my new eagle 
I have not seen him before, and now he is around all the time!
I took this through my front window - and he didn't even move!

Happy Friday you all!!

Linking to:


  1. I love the illusion of "floating boxes." Great design -- and what a wonderful gift from Julie.

  2. Great job on the quilting, Alycia! I love that design!

  3. Nice job, Julie!! (And Alycia, too!!)

  4. Great finish. I like this block. Do you know the name of it?

  5. Hey, that's my quilt (top)! It's so cool to see it all quilted up. It looks great! Thanks for the link to my blog. I am so happy to join up with your efforts for Quilts of Valor.

  6. Lovely finish! :-)

  7. Annie3:06 PM

    You are so lucky! I wish I had an eagle! Yours is magnificent!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Is this pattern still available? I was donated a bunch of scraps that would be perfect for this.

  10. Julie makes some very cool stuff. I remember watching that one come together on her blog.

  11. Such a pretty quilt! I've always wanted to make one like this... Whoop Whoop!!


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