
Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year!!

If you stayed out late - I hope you are sleeping in..... if you were in early - I hope you are enjoying the parades... at least there had better be a parade on for me when I head out to the TV!!

One of my favorite things to do is Photograph! I have had a Camera in my hand since I was about 5 - not that any of those photos are so amazing you will go purchase a frame.... but I LOVE seeing through the lens.

I might have dragged my children and my husband ( not kicking and screaming though) to one of the coldest places we could go in the winter - on the top of a mile long walkway at the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg.   We donned a LOT of winter gear - but check out who we found:

We think he rolled over just for us, he wanted us to rub his tummy.... but I saw the size of his feet.... nope - wasn't happening!

In a previous life - he must have had hot flashes! It was so funny watching him lay on the ice like it was no big deal - and we were shivering away!

This momma was playing Peek a Boo!

If you didn't know we were in a fenced environment - you would have thought I was in the wilderness right? and a Fearless adventurer at that right?

You just think that way - makes me feel important ( and not so wimpy!)

This bear was playing peek a boo with a bunny - it was hilarious - the bunny would come to one side and the bear would stare him down, and then the bunny would run to the other side... and the bear would stare him down....

You really think I am on safari - don't you???  yep I can tell.... this... was a BIG beast!!!

This one gave us the stare down - I think... he was hoping I would feed him....

Happy New Year to you!!


  1. Great photography! I enjoyed every one of them. You're right, it appeared you were walking among them.

  2. It looks cold! But you got some fun pictures. Wishing you only good things for 2015!

  3. I had no idea there was a place like this in Colorado!

  4. Wow! I thought 'Is she crazy???' :) Your photos are absolutely amazing! Love the wolf. But I have a question... why is that bear not hibernating?? The cats have definitely fluffed up for winter!

  5. That tiger sure is a handsome fellow...and doesn't look the least bit malnourished. It would have been tempting to rub his belly...though not wise!

  6. I LOVE the Wild Animal Sanctuary. They are doing great work there.


  7. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Most people will never see that because they won't go out to look in all that cold. I was surprised to see the bear awake!

  8. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Terrific photos - worth braving the cold!

  9. What a fun day out of doors! I have heard of this sanctuary and hope one day to visit it.


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