
Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy New Year Design Wall Update

My First Design wall of the New year.... is now! A Top!!  and a backing... which means that sometime in 2015 I will get it quilted.... maybe....

I was teased my Ms. Terri that in one of my last top photos  - I forgot to share my sons' face... and that probably none of the girls at his school read my blog. You know there is probably truth in that... so it will be okay to embarrass him right????  Tee hee hee

So there he is!
The little boy that I now look up to!!!

Lois thought I should turn it this way and call it
Up and Away

I like it! 

lots of scraps were used in the making of this project
One can not see the bottom of the scrap bin... 



  1. Do let us know when you can see the bottom of the bin. Dolly will send more!

  2. I love the quilt and layout you chose. I cannot believe how many blue scraps you must have had with all the blue quilts you have been making lately. Where do you store them all?

  3. Alycia, this is gorgeous -- you really only used what you had in your scrap bin? I'm impressed! I know what you mean about embarrassed sons not wanting feature roles in momma's blog. My son is 13 and is also on the verge of being taller than me, and he is paranoid that someone from school will google him and find an embarrassing toddler picture of him picking his nose or something on my blog. Hah!

  4. Amazing how those scrap bins never get empty. I have been sewing scraps for a couple years and they just keep getting more full it seems. Lovely log cabin and willing holder.

  5. A handsome quilt and handsome son. Well done on both accounts.

  6. Alycia, this is great! Do you ever get tired of me saying that? I hope not, your creations are beautiful :)I'm betting that it will be quilted AND bound by the end of 2015 ;) I know you can do it!!

  7. See, now that is better. We get the handsomeness and the beauty.

  8. Beautiful quilt! I like the Up and Away name for it. And kudos to your son who will help mom out by holding the quilt. Drama Teen kindly passes on such duties.

  9. What a great looking quilt top. I know you will have it quilted before the end of this year. No problem.

  10. I have to agree with everyone else! You do have a great looking quilt and son!

  11. This one is really spectacular!

  12. I like, I like and I guess you are just going to have to keep going to bust more of those scraps.


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