
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Quilts of Valor 2014 - Pillowcase edition

Welcome to the Pillowcase edition of Quilts of Valor!!!

A lot of the Quilts come my way either by our local groups. block drives, or our wonderful supporters - however a lot of them don't have pillowcases.... ( which is NOT a complaint mind you!)

There are some wonderful groups that make Pillowcases for our quilts - and our Veterans LOVE them!!! They are one of the first things that get put on their beds. The quilts usually stay around their shoulders for a long time.

I put out a call for pillowcases as soon as Middle Bit told me I was down to 5.... And I am proud to say - the call has been answered!!

at our August Sew day - Mary and Carol went to work on the fabrics and made a LOT ( I forgot to count!) of Pillowcases..... and then I came home and there were two boxes from the Pueblo Quilt guild .... check out these pillowcases ( 40 I think... you all should know by now that Statistics are not my favorite things!)

And then the next day there was another box!! This one came from Laura - she is in California - as a matter of fact her town has made the news ( Weed) for the fires - pray for them - last I heard from her they were ready to evacuate but safe.

 For those of you who have been following my nature hikes - and wanting to find a moose.... well there you go ! I got a Moose in a pillowcase!!!  I am sure a soldier will love it - but in the meantime.."Moose!!!"

and then!!!  I received another box from Zoe Ann... she and the Columbine Bee made pillowcases!!

And then..... Kathy - the president of ACQ (Arapahoe County Quilters) called and said.... I have a few things for Quilts of Valor..  Just so happens we met up when I went to the Combat Veterans Cowboy Up fund raiser.

Now... she said a few things - OH MY Gosh!! There was more than a few things!! 130 Pillowcases! ( she had them counted for me)

Wrangler man grabbed the bag thinking it was quilts, and Middle bit grabbed it too.... it was heavy!!
Above are some of them laid out.  Below.... this is the rest of the stack!!
PS - ACQ also had quilts and tops in another bag - but I will save those for another day!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing all the pillowcases!  I just love how they wrap everything together for our Veterans, and how much fun they are to see!


  1. Oh-KAY!!! Sounds like you are SET in the pillowcase dept. for awhile! LOL Approx. how many quilts do you give/present in any given month? Just curious.

  2. Judy V. from Thornton, CO9:14 AM

    If ALL the pillowcases were counted, the number would be totally impressive!!!!

  3. Wow - the number and variety of pillowcases is overwhelming!!!

  4. There's a repeated small thing on the pillowcases-- is it an embroidery or two? What a collection!

  5. This is awesome.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Bless all those wonderful ladies who make the pillow cases and share them for our service men and women to go with the Quilts of Valor. So many pretty ones.

  7. Sherrill - we have been averaging about 100 QOV per month ;-)

  8. I have a QOV to send you but, for the life of me, I can't find your address. I know it must be on your website somewhere.....


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