
Monday, September 15, 2014


I feel like the military - acronyms for everything!!

DWM - Design Wall Monday:  My design wall hasn't changed all that much! There are a few things that are sewn together now, so that means some decisions were made.... right?

I am not 100% sure where I am going to end up with this one, but I am proud to say.... I have made a TINY dent in some of my scraps!  ( please note I said small dent!)

We did however.... go someplace!

CVCU:  Combat Veterans Cowboy Up!  

 CVCU is one of my favorite places! They are an Equine Assisted Therapy program for our Combat Veterans. It is a fantastic programs filled with the best people! This weekend was a fundraiser at 4 mile Historic Park in Denver.  Wrangler Man and the boys and I headed out!

He really wears that hat well doesn't he?!

We took a little tour around the park. It is gorgeous there. This was the last stage stop 4 miles out of Denver - so it is very historical.

Little Bit thought he needed some ice cream 

They checked out the corral's - and we so excited they were not on the chore list for the day!

Middle Bit was glad that this was not the only mode of transportation available.
 He sort of likes his truck!!
Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. Alycia, that is a great picture of you and hubby. I love 4 Mile Park! See you tomorrow.


  2. Love the picture of you two. I can't believe how fast the boys are growing up -- seems like just yesterday they were all way shorter than you :-)


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