
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Oh gosh - a lot of you have asked about Farmer Boy's pigs... well he wants to write their story = he just keeps running out of time.... seems to be a trend here ;-)

He took two pigs to the county fair, and really enjoyed it. You can enter them in the state fair as well, but he just wasn't interested. After learning that there are 500 pigs that show up for the state fair.... this mom was somewhat relieved!!

Here he is with his pigs - showing them.

The first night was a breeder's show. ( if you had a pig from a registered breeder you could show)  And he had a Chester White - so this one got shown that night.

We thought he did pretty great, considering that most of his nightly walks took place in an alley way, with steers and horses staring at him. He only oinked at the other pigs a few times.

The next day was the actual breed class show. So he showed that white one, as well as this one, He is a crossbreed. I have to tell you - he walked that pig in the ring an I was sure it was the wrong pig. He was a dirty pig at our house..... they clean up nice!!

This one was crazy - he likes to run into things. Sort of like some kids I know!!

He didn't sell either of them. Again - he was glad about that. Maybe next year, but it is hard for them to let go. We still have both of them, and in a few weeks they will go be bacon. That seems like an easier transition for this kid ( and his mom).

PS - if your local ( with in 60 miles of us) we will have half hogs ready in a month.... ;-)


  1. Two pigs must surely be twice as much work! They are crazily cute though. And I do believe that young whippersnapper will soon be taller than his mom. How did that happen so fast?

  2. Alycia, if he sells his pigs at the fair what happens to them. Do they live, and used for breeding? I know the pigs aren't pets, but I think it would be hard to accept that they are going to be bacon. Do uou have any other animals other than horses and pigs?

  3. Oh I sure wish I were within the 60 mile limit Alycia I would jump on that deal!
    BTW, do you print your blogs in a book form? With pics? I know you can do that and have thought about it myself.

  4. Sorry he didn't sell either of them, but it looks like he had fun.


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