
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Gift Quilts

When I first starting quilting I thought making one quilt a year was quite a feat. And then.... I became addicted!!  Of course, when I first started I owned a company, had 9 employees, and 3 little bambinos. So sometimes the piecing part of quilting was stuck way at the bottom of my list.  ( PS we were a clothing manufacturer - so those orders came first)

BUT!!  One of my aunts started inviting me to her retreats, and after the first one. I had almost a whole quilt top finished....  So I knew there was hope ;-)

I had decided at that retreat that I would start making quilts for all of my aunts and uncles. I think I only have one uncle left ( Oops I had better go check my list!!)

My Mom and Dad recently visited one of the aunts I gifted a quilt too and she immediately made them go see her room.... here is why:

Ta da!!! They are using the quilt that I made for them. Talk about making a heart happy!! I love it.


  1. Knowing someone is using and enjoying the quilt you made for them... is so heart-warming! Made me smile all the way from the right coast...


  2. Nothing better than to see your work is appreciated and even joyfully used. Made me smile. Thanks for sharing the picture and story. (BTW - pretty quilt.)

  3. Gorgeous! Love love love the colors!! SOO beautifully done! I can totally see why your aunt was so excited to show your mom :)

  4. No doubt about it - quilting is addictive! I'm so lost, I don't think rehab would begin to help me :) Doesn't it feel great when someone loves and actually USES one of your quilts?

  5. I know how you feel, it does take a while to finish a quilt. I've been trying to make them for family members also. I love that quilt!

  6. It is always nice to know that your quilts are being loved. Makes it all worth it!

  7. Alycia, I love that your aunt was so excited that she had to show your folks right away!

  8. That is fabulous. I'm working towards making a quilt for everyone in my immediately family. I want them to be able to be wrapped in the love of family.

  9. That is the ultimate compliment isn't it!!! I'm so happy for you...I to enjoyed your story!

  10. I've made quilts for members of our family and like you am so warmed when I know and see them being enjoyed! Do you ask family members which colours they like or just go by instinct?

  11. It's always so nice to see something we've made being used. I'm working on making quilts for my family. I still have a long way to go!


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