
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Sticks.... is finally quilted!!
Whoot Whoot!!

Sticks started as a scrappy quilt designed by Cynthia B  and it ended up a scrap quilt with a Whole new name!!

You can see it's progression if you want - Step 1  and Step 2

And then Cynthia emailed and asked my if I had it quilted, and I choked on my Rice Chex.... and said - umm, you mean the top only?  Or um,.... quilted?

And I felt guilty ( not really but lets make Cynthia feel bad ok?)  and so !!  I made a backing and now....

Ta ....Da....

It is still not done .... let you down didn't I ? LOL - It needs binding now.... but I may be trading another quilter some binding for some quilting... It will be vintage by the time I do it ;-)

PS - this is a panto and can be used for the Panto Parade Promotion ( top right hand corner)

Have a good one!


  1. Fun quilt! Love the quilting.

  2. I am partial to rainbow quilts, but this one is super cute. Love it!

  3. Hurray! Glad I could "encourage" you in getting this one quilted. It is such a great quilt. The quilting design is perfect.

    BTW- Did you get the zig zag quilt pieced up yet? ;)

  4. Love the sticks and they go really well with that panto.

  5. You did a great job on this one, which is usual for you. I think I might just have to make one like this!

  6. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS! I seriously am in love with this one!

  7. I love the quilting you did!

  8. Just love it when you show presentation photos.. my favorite part of these weekly postings


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