
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Scrapapalooza sort of

First off.... you MUST promise NOT to laugh....

Promise?  Pinky Promise?

Alright... I will show you a few pictures. Over at Cynthia keeps offering these awesome Scrap Quilts - called Scrapapalooza... and I!  LOVE. Them.

And I keep thinking I can do all of them, and then.... I realize I am slow... and sometimes I am color challenged.....

My idea for this one was to use all red and white for the small squares, and all blue for the big squares.

I said I would sew until the end of may - and then however many blocks I had... would be the quilt.

Except... I decided to put them up on the design wall - and I deemed my color plan...

a Fail ;-)

and it does not hurt my feelings... my thoughts are if I am having fun and I am releasing stress - then all is good in my world... but that... was really hard for me to look at. Visually I mean - It gave me a headache lol

I made the executive decision that making more of the same blocks was not going to make it any better - so I went to my orphan block box ( say that 6 times fast!)   And now this is what I have up on the wall...

I am thinking that maybe some solid borders and it will be a real quilt?

Anyways - it has been a LOT of fun and I am loving using my scraps... and I might have learned something about Red White and Blue... which i thought ALWAYS worked together....


  1. Adding the orphans to your blocks really did help a lot. The whites gave a nice contrast to give the eye someplace to go. Playing with scraps is so fun! Even if it doesn't turn out quite like you planned, they were just scraps after all.

  2. I actually like both quilts, but love it after you added the orphan blocks. What a great way to use those blocks!

  3. Judy V. in Thornton, CO5:55 AM

    The first layout really grabbed my attention. The white squares and the white stars in the other squares gives a very nice sparkling effect. Then the second layout is neat, too. I had made some wonky star blocks a while back and have been debating how to use them for a QOV. You've given some great ideas! A blessed Memorial Day weekend to all.

  4. INteresting. Ever do a blooming 9 patch in patriotic fabrics?

  5. Good save! I like the proposed quilt top

  6. Way to get creative...and find a home for some of those orphan blocks. I love what you did!

    Thanks for sewing along!

  7. Great save (though the first layout wasn't bad). Even better, you use up some of those orphan blocks.

  8. I like the first version too, and using scraps is ALWAYS good, but, I DO LOVE your second version with the stars! Great job and way to go! Now come sew with me! LOL

  9. Genius! Those orphans really did the trick.

  10. Brilliant! No, really brilliant! That is so awesome! YAY for those moments when you say "what if" and go with it! This is going to be awesome!

  11. I think the only problem with the dirt picture is that there wasn't enough contrast. All the fabrics kinda read the same and had roughly the same size print so they all "moo shed together" (technical term there ;-)

  12. Like the 2nd one better, but what if you put a diagonal zig zag row every so often between all those little red/blue squares?? That would break up the spaces a bit and make a secondary design to boot. Next time you will have even more ideas -- scraps are the best!!

  13. Hi!!!Wow!!! I love the way you re did it!!!! Very pretty!!!!


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