
Monday, January 06, 2014

The Scrappy Book Quilt

I don't know if that is a good name for a Quilt or not - but my son says it looks like a book to him, and I kind of agree....

This is what is up on my design wall right now. I am still hemming and hawing about the Bring Pink. I really like it, but I am letting it speak to me....

Friday there was no snow.... Saturday there was over 6 inches.... Sunday it still came down - so what are kids supposed to do?  A little sledding, and a lot of dripping, when they came inside !

For other design walls - head over to


  1. I personally love the bright pink but then I am very much into brights lately.

  2. Now that you mention it, it does resemble a book! I can't wait to see what else you do with it!

  3. Yes! I see a book too. It'll be interesting to see how it develops.
    Pretty pink. Love that too.

  4. I love it! Very modern! I can only imagine what you will do with the quilting!

  5. Very nice, I like the red and pink with the white. Very fresh and clean looking.


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