
Saturday, January 04, 2014

A Blue Scrappy Saturday

This is what I will be working on today - in between pretending to get my taxes all ready for my accountant....

I am going to try to do the Scrap Challenge over at - it is the RSC 2014 and each Saturday you post what you are working on. This months color is Blue -

And my goal with this challenge is to get these scrap bins under control - or at least so the lid can fit. I mean - I don't want to over commit right? ;-)

This was last night - The sun was setting into the west, but looking east - you could see these. A smart friend ( Matt Makens - the weather guy on Channel 7 news) confirmed that these are:

anticrepuscular rays  - yep - say that one 15 times fast!!
Have a great Saturday!!


  1. Getting the lid on the scrap bin to close sounds like a perfect goal to start with. Glad you are joining in this year. Great start on your goal.

  2. That's a great project. I've been working on QOVs for the last few days. Right now I have one in time out because the center seam is not behaving at all!

  3. Beautiful picture!! Thank you for sharing.
    And great scraps. Until the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I just looked for bigger boxes : )

  4. I am hoping to close the lid too! I don't think that will be a problem, so many wonderful projects to inspire me.

  5. I always thought of those rays as grace from God... (Trouble is it always falls on someone else. You can't see it as a ray when it falls on yourself.)
    Thanks for reminding me... I forgot to make anything blue.

  6. Looks like you have made a good start towards making that lid fit.

  7. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Great project start. Have fun! And a very beautiful sky.

  8. Looks like you have the beginnings of a gorgeous scrap quilt! Love the sky in your photo :) Beautiful!

  9. You have made a good start at using up some of your scraps. I love your sky picture!

  10. I saw those same clouds, but from SE Denver metro and they were unbelievable! I took loads of photos. It was like God was saying, "I got your back in 2014!"

  11. I am participating this year too! Now, if only I could get myself to start blogging again!


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