
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Edition QOV show

Before I show you these GORGEOUS quilts - I have to tell you something funny... Little Bit loves to camp out, and last night he wanted to camp SO bad.... so Wrangler Man and he decided to brave the outside and camp.....   I went to take the dogs out at 6am (and also 32 degrees) and they were still OUT there.

The dogs got cold and came in, but the men did not.  The men are now sitting on the couch with almost every quilt we use on them, and the fire going, and hot chocolate.....they are crazy!!

So - On to today's Quilts!!

This first quilt was made by Elsie and Quilted by Lois Knight. I really think that Elsie is a master of using her scraps.

And of course she does use some yardage at time, but I bet she really wanted to add some scrappiness - this one is also pieced by Elsie and Quilted by Lois.

This strippy Quilt was pieced and quilted by Teresa R in CO. Teresa is a Fantabulous Quilter!!! She sees things in ways other quilters can't - I am so amazed.
 See the star and the bubbles? and the borders - oh my.....

This top was pieced by Sandra at Sew in Peace... and I forgot to write down who quilted it!! Shame on me!
 And why can't I go look you ask? It is already out for binding...... we are quick in this unit!

This quilt was pieced by Audrey of the Livermore Church Quilters. Audrey passed away a while ago, so I was glad to get the quilt back ;-)  She was a wonderful, giving woman and she LOVED to sew!!!

This one was made a quilted by Vicki Welsh  - And WOW!! Did it get a great response in our household!!
 I believe that she may be pretty darn good at this fabric Dying stuff! Don't forget she is one our our Big Blowout Block Drive Sponsors:  Here is her post!

Another one made and Quilted by Vicki - I love this one too!!

You can check out ALL that has been going on with the BIG Blowout Block Drive with this Link:
Big Blowout Block Drive

You can also come SEE me - if you are in HOUSTON - I will be in Booth 204 for festival - so come say hi to me...

Happy Sunday!!


  1. Have a great time in Houston!

  2. Such beautiful quilts for such a good cause! Each one is so different and beautiful in it's own way. I will be stopping by your booth, and maybe for some lunch? Will you be bringing your crock pot?

  3. Wow... what an incredible collection of quilts for QOV! Beautiful, just beautiful!

    Glad your guys survived a chilly camp out! I'm sure they appreciated all the quilts to wrap up in... and the hot chocolate!

  4. Beautiful quilts! I especially like the first one... when I get some time!

  5. More gorgeous quilts! The one by Vicki Welsh is amazing!


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