
Monday, October 28, 2013

Design Floor Monday

I have been making these denim quilts - and they do not hang on the design wall well - they are quite heavy.

But they are also kinda fun- so here is the first one:

Someone asked me how I was making these - the first one is all 12 1/2 inch blocks, so if I had a piece of denim smaller than that I added until it was 12 1/2 inches..... the next one is a little different, but I am still in the layout phase  of it.

And on my Machine:

A string Quilt:

With my Quilters Dream Batting - so it gets a little puffy!
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  1. Denim quilts always make me laugh..before I really had a clue about quilting, I decided to make my two year old a jeans quilt. I sewed the squares together that I'd cut from old jeans and 'birthed' it with a flannel sheet on the back. That sucker was SO HEAVY that when I tucked him in at night, he was still in exactly the same spot in the morning!! LOL

  2. I have made 3 denim/flannel quilts and we use them all the time!! Great for the car too. Yours looks like fun. They do take a bit longer to dry when washed though.

  3. I've never made a denim quilt, that has to be hard to handle when you start sewing those rows together.


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