
Friday, September 13, 2013

Ready for Halloween

One of my customers has the Cutest grandchildren!!! And she makes quilts for them for lots of occasions. She is wonderful - AND - she plans ahead... not like some of us who might decided on the 30th of October that her son needs a Halloween quilt ( and who still might NOT have it bound) ... but I digress...

Check out this cute little Pumpkin quilt she made - ALL out of scraps!!

Isn't it just adorable?  I quilted spiderwebs in the string blocks. It was a lot of fun!

Many of you have emailed or texted ( thank you!!!) Yes - Colorado is flooding, but so far we are good. We live about 5 miles from the South Platte River, but seriously - we are up on the highest hill, and after we had a flood in our basement 11 years ago, we landscaped the heck out of this place, so water should ( fingers crossed) stay away from our house.

There are a lot of people that aren't okay though - so definitely be praying for them. We were in Lyons Saturday for a XC meet, and thought what a beautiful place it would be to live, apparently this flood stranded them. It makes my heart hurt for them.

For more FInished Fridays - head to  and


  1. So glad you posted about the flood. Was thinking about you when I saw the news this morning. The grandchildren have a super cool grandma making quilts for them.

  2. Cute, cute!! Plan ahead? I never think to do THAT! Thanks for the update on the flooding situation. Hope your landscaping does the trick.

  3. The flood were even on the news over here in Europe this morning!
    The pumpkin quilt is adorable!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  4. Very cute!

    Glad to hear that you are high and dry. It looks really bad from what the news is showing.

  5. Glad to hear that you are doing just fine. So are we. Aurora had some flooding, but it was nothing compared to what is going on over in the foothills. Stay safe!


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