
Monday, September 16, 2013

It's Wet!!

We have had the strangest week so far, and I have a feeling its gonna get weirder.....

Wednesday I had to pick my child up to go to the orthodontist, and got halfway there and had a flat tire...So they put the donut on and we went home. It was too late to head to town to get it fixed, and I figured I would do it Thursday afternoon.

Well -  Thursday - about 11:30 we got a reverse 911 that the school was closing, that the bridges that take everyone north of town were being threatened by the flood waters. So I picked the kids up in my Farm Truck, and went back home.

We started moving things, just to make sure, But we are pretty up high on a hill - about 4 miles from the South Platte River.

Friday(or it might have been Saturday) morning we woke up to:

 The Platte river has broken through its banks. There were lots of texts flying to see who needed what, and where they were, and who was safe....

Again.. we are up on a hill - so we were fine.   Wrangler Man had been in another town, and trying to get back was a daunting task. He was on the phone, I was on the CDOT website, and we was able to make it...
but... he had been turned around at our main hwy... later we saw why:

Check out this aerial Photo from Laura Reck:
That river - is not supposed to be that wide... and that is our highway 34 - the one we take to get to the big city.....

And then each and every bridge that gets us to a town was washed out......It's sort of an eerie feeling. But I feel for those who have lost everything. My report sounds trite when I see the devastation .

To be even more trite - I go shopping on Sundays... we have missed that last Sunday due to a rodeo - so we were down to the bare minimums of food.... which brings me to Judy - Judy at Patchworktimes talks about being prepared a lot... and I DO READ... and apparently it wore off.....

I had a box of powdered milk in the pantry - not good to drink ( to me) but great for all those pancakes/bread recipes that called for milk. I have canned fruit, I have spaghetti sauce, I have the staples....So other running out of chocolate and tortilla chips - I think we are good for a few days.

Pray for those around us - miracles have already happened.... more would be great.


  1. Be safe! So sorry your community is going through this right now!

  2. Alycia, I am sorry I am no longer a scheduler for the Wyoming Air National Guard. I could have arranged an airdrop of chocolate for you! Seriously, stay safe, my candle is lit for those affected.

  3. I'm glad to hear you all are safe and I've been praying for all those impacted by the flooding.

    Hang in there!

  4. Wow, that can be pretty scary! We are moving to the country and I am definitely be stocking up - just in case!
    It's even scarier for you since your husband is not there with you.
    The Lord will provide, you'll just need to get inventive on some of your meals!

  5. Reading your post I'm reminded of the saying "Be careful what you pray for, you might just get it."
    Somebody must have been praying for rain.

  6. NO CHOCOLATE! Oh my goodness. Seriously though, I used to live in Lafayette and Boulder and know what excess water can do to that area. Please stay safe.

  7. Wow. My prayers and thoughts are with you and everyone in Colorado.

  8. WOW! Never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. We have friends on a walking tour out there. They were to walk through Rocky Mountain National Park today. A bus load of 45-50 with no way to get to their hotel tonight. They said the National Guard is filling up the rooms they can't get to. Stay safe!

  9. Guess you won't be heading out for the big city right now. I'm glad you're safe and have some provisions. I always say we could last for weeks, if not months, on what's in the freezers and canning long as the power stays on. :) It's hard to imagine the Platte with that much water in it. The saying here in NE is---a mile wide and an inch deep. Of course that might just apply to the North Platte. Sure wish we could take some of that rain off your hands, it's been kind of dry here again this past month.

  10. Glad you are safe. Hopefully Wrangler Man found a safe place to hang out for bit. Hope conditions improve quickly.

  11. Good to hear that you are safe. We are as well. Even though Aurora got over 15 inches of rain, it was pretty much just spread out and no river to overflow. We praying for all those not as lucky as us.

  12. I am glad you are safe. I grabbed some extra things at the store thinking about you yesterday. You never know!

  13. Wow! Glad you are safe and sound but seriously, no chocolate?!? Are you saying you don't even have an emergency stash squirreled away in your sewing room? I do. I thought every quilter did.....hope things dry out for you real soon and they get those washed out bridges repaired even sooner......

  14. Hold up where you are and stay safe. Chocolate is about hot chocolate??? In a pince any chocolate will do and it helps disguise the powdered milk. (Whirl it in the blender to make it a very fine powder then add 1 tsp sugar & hot water.)

    Candles lit for you and yours as well as all the others at peril.

  15. It is hard to believe the amount of water; it is just hitting Nebraska now. They are saying that North Platte will be at 14 ft. The Platte is mostly dry in a lot of places; makes me wonder how far the water will reach. Glad that you and yours are safe.

  16. So I heard that the road between you and W*****s has been re-established. Can you go shopping there?

  17. Thinking of you and those in your community. Sending prayers and blessings your way:)


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