
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tales of the Pig - Pre-Show Preparation

Well.... they tell me the fair is around the corner, and that I have to look pretty!  I don't understand what is wrong with a little mud, but these people are picky! Seriously picky! First the weight - now the skin.... what next?   My hair?

This place that we live in is pretty warm most of the time, but whenever Farmer Boy comes out with the green thing that spews water... it gets cold!!

See - it was even raining.... Farmer Boy and his dad started washing me, and it was cold and I squealed... and the Mom - she brought me food.  Food makes everything better.....

After they got me all clean they loaded me up into the blue trailer... I remember this place well - it was my first home when I came here!

Farmer boy had a friend come over with a noisy thing and he started towards me with it - I squealed - Mom brought more food. I think! I have the Mom trained ... I squealed - and she put more food in front of me. I wish I had learned this earlier!!

Farmer Boy worked on me too. Once I got used to the noise - it wasn't so bothersome. It was actually like getting a massage....

See how pretty and white I am - who knew there was such beauty under the mud?  I think I look pretty good!

After all that hard work of standing there and eating - I needed a rest.... so I laid down while Mom made my bed. She put new shavings in the front half of the trailer. As soon as they let me go in there I LOVED it!!!
I was told that the day after our Pre Show Prep - I was heading to the fair. Think if I squeal some more Mom will bring me more food????


  1. He sure is a purdy pig. Are you sure you have enough marshmallows?

  2. Of course she will. You've got her trained. LOL

  3. Love that pig!

  4. I love your piggy post. Animals are so personable. Your piggy sounds like my little Buzzard Bait calf stories!!

  5. Love your hair, hope you win! Farmer Boy sure is doing a fine job with you! I thought Mom was scared of you Mr. Pig? LOLOLOL

  6. LOL. You are too funny

  7. ha ha, what a cute post. How could he not win with such a pretty face.

  8. Good luck to Little Bit and Pig at the fair.


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