
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

7/31 Quilt of Valor Show

Oh goodness.... the summer is going by way too quickly!!  We have some major changes going on around here.... one of my children thinks he is leaving me. So - a pre-warning - if you see clothes in the pictures - it's not just laundry, its packing in process.  Who Knew that a little bit of packing required the WHOLE house?

And if you knew, why did you forget to tell me?

I decided I wasn't going to wait anymore, and take pictures for this weeks Quilt of Valor show!  I needed the comfort of seeing these beautiful quilts!

All of these quilts in todays' Quilt show are quilted by the fabulous Liz Davis. She is such an inspiration to me! She is always happy, energetic... and She lives close to a Krispy Kreme - a plus for my children!

(oh look - the ironing board leg....)

These first five quilts were made by the Miracles group. Miracles is an outpatient drug treatment program. Part of the program is to learn to sew. Jessica and her girls help the ladies learn to put together quilt tops.

They are extremely organized, and have a great program going on. The thing I think I love the most, is that in learning to care for themselves, they are showing care for our veterans. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

The Yellow Brick Road is their favorite pattern.  I think it works so well!

 I am always amazed at how well Red White and Blue work together. Even different shades!!

 This is the back of one - we found these panels in a box ( from Lori M I think) and incorporated them into backings - they are awesome!!

The last quilt today was quilted by Liz - but Pieced by Michelle F. It is a sampler quilt from the quilt shop she worked at. Of course, I can't remember the name right now - or I would give it a great plug!

Hope you enjoyed today's quilts!

Many of you have been asking if we are going to do another Block Drive - and the answer is yes!! Please keep watching the blog, sign up to receive it as an email, or follow with bloglovin ... mark your calendars for.....



It will be spectacular!!! I promise!!


  1. I have some of those panels. More power to you for using them. The ones I have are printed so off-grain it isn't funny. I'm using them in 3 different table runners for my family for July.

  2. How cool.......people that are in need of help, are helping others. Very inspirational!

  3. Subscribed so I wouldn't miss the block drive. I love your weekly show. Thanks for all the work you and your friends do. My father was a Vet and I appreciate all that you do.

  4. Thanks for the quilt show. Those are some cool looking quilts. It's nice to hear of groups that are in need themselves doing things for others in need. You are right, that is a win-win situation! Keep up the good work.

  5. More beautiful quilts for a beautiful cause.


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