
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Today's Quilt of Valor Show

For some reason this week seems to be going slow - I kept thinking all day yesterday that I messed up and forgot to post the Quilt of Valor show - and then realized it was Tuesday.... so I may be off schedule for a bit!

This weeks beautiful Quilts of Valor are brought to you by Gina and PJ and their Longmont Quilt bee. I tell you - they are busy bees!!

The first four are all Bee Quilts - Gina and PJ kitted up the blocks and lots of members sewed them, then they put the bee put them together in the quilts. I think.... I love this block!!!

Same block  different layout  pretty cool huh??

 This one was made by PJ and quilted by Donna Smith. Donna is an awesome longarmer - and quilts a great deal of QOV"s!!

I believe that this next one was made by Marci R of Longmont (I think I need caffiene already!)

This one is from Wenda L of Longmont - Look close at those blocks!!!

They are LOG CABINS!!! it took me a while - so if you figured it out right away - pat yourself on the back!!

Thank you Gina, PJ and the Longmont quilt bee!! These are gorgeous Quilts of Valor - and thank you for showing me this block!!!


  1. Gorgeous! Love anything with haf square triangles or log cabins.

  2. You do an awesome job of showing quilts! Great inspiration.

  3. Love that block and the log cabins are to die for! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Awesome! Are they able to share the blocks at the top that work well for making kits? Always on the look out for those! Warmly, Tawny
    Chico, CA

  5. Beautiful quilts. Absolutely beautiful.

  6. They look like patriotic fish swimming in a row! Cool log cabin too!

  7. Wow! Great show and they do look like patriot fish. I did not see the log cabin until you told us. LOL! Very nice!

  8. Love them all. Thanks for sharing them - got some new ideas.

  9. The Colorado Bee ladies sure did a wonderful job - what great quilts for a group to make up from kits. I found one source for a free pattern of the block they made several quilts from here (I loved how they had different designs with different block placements):

    Thank you so much for posting the pictures in the QOV Show!
    Kathy T.

  10. What a bunch of creative quilters and quilts! Beauties - thanks for the show!

  11. Wow, beautiful quilts.


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