
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stalking Kimmy

You have probably figured out by now that our wonderful long arm teacher, for the Craftsy QOV mystery will be none other than Kim Brunner. I. AM. SO. EXCITED!!!

Way back in the olden days when my machine and I were just dating, I was fortunate to take a class - here in Colorado - at another quilters house - from Kimmy. It gave me such confidence - really... I went from meandering to This ... and it looked good....

Kimmy sent out an email the other day talking about her class, and the items you would need. I already had the circle templates, and just needed the melon ones... so guess what arrived??

No one can ever accuse me of not having nice melons again 
Bwahh haa haa - I crack my self up!!

And then just to prove that I am truly stalking her -  
I saw this thread set that she put together from
It has 6 spools of neutral threads - and I am always using them so.. I thought I would give them a try.   I hope she doesn't mind me stalking her that way ;-)
I would doubt that these threads are going to be used in our Quilt of Valor mystery - but I just had to have them. I was kind of hoping that fairy quilting dust would come too!!


 And just to keep encouraging you about the importance of Quilts of Valor - check these guys out. They are were so surprised to recieve these quilts. They are current veterans, as well as part veterans. It is amazing the service these men gave to our country, and to be able to offer a hug during recovery is a great thing we quilters can offer.

1 comment:

  1. LOL....yes, yes... very nice melons Alycia! {{You crack me up sometimes}}

    Wonderful veteran QOV pictures too


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