
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alpine Quilt Guild

Last night I had the pleasure of speaking about Quilts of Valor to the Alpine Quilt guild. I have visited there before, and fell in love with the area then, now... I love it even more. It was so fallish up in that area, and crispy cool.... loved it!!

They also had another speaker, his name was Steve, and he was wonderful. Except... he loves to sew 1/2 square triangles.  I think he is like a math guy or something. His quilts were amazing, and colorful. 

The guild has been busy quilting - they presented QOV with 6 quilts, and they have another 6 in the works!! Want to see them??

I love them all  - the different patriotic fabrics make me smile! 
But I really love how they set the panels in this one So creative!!

I'll be honest here - I do love this quilt - but the first thing that stood out to me was the quilting!! Those stars are amazing - and freehand - and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! 

I sure appreciate the hard work this guild did, and I appreciate that they want their quilts to go to our military. So Ladies ( and gentlemen) if you are an Alpine Quilter and are reading this - Thank you!!!

PS - don't forget to come back tomorrow ( wed) for the final clue in the Craftsy Quilt of Valor Mystery!! I'll post it here as soon as they post it at



  1. Judy V. in Thornton, CO10:23 PM

    Gorgeous quilts....they are all wonderful and whoever gets them will love them. I really like the narrow inside red isets off the quilt beautifully! What a neat idea...don't be surprised if we copy it!

  2. Nancy Williams9:55 AM

    Beautiful Alycia!!!


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