
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Step 3 Craftsy QOV Quilt a Long

is now up!! I tried really hard to send emails to everyone....

step 3  is here!!

I have put all the other links on my free pattern page - so you should be able to access them all!!

Hope you all are sewing away!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Pretties

I am getting a little caught up! I never thought I was behind until I looked at my list!! So I have some more lovlies for you to check out!!

First off - a veteran recieving a Quilt of Valor. I was most humbled to present this quilt to him. I wish we all could hear of the sacrifices made.

This blue quilt above, and the green quilt below came from the Amelia Island Quilters. I think the colors kind of remind me of the sea!!

These two ( above and below) also came from the Amelia Island Quilt guild!!

This one was made by Denise V and quilted by Crystal J - both of Colorado!
Hi Denise!!  I strongarmed, and threatened Denise to sew with us.
She hasn't regretted it yet ( right D??)

Here is another one made by Denise, and quilted by Anna Marie
Great pattern!!!

This is one of our group quilts. We all made the blocks, and I put the top together .
And yes, I am counting it as one of my 12.  
( I need all the help I can get right now!!)

It was quilted by Bonnie C in Denver!

Hope you saw something you liked and enjoyed the quilts! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

QOV quilt show

We spent Sunday working on binding Quilts of Valor, making more tops, and cutting up fabric... i love days like that - when a whole bunch of wonderful quilters get together and we all have fun!!

Here are some great Quilts of Valor all finished and ready to be presented. ( or they may already have been presented... the demand is still pretty high!!)

The first 4 quilts came from Marilyn at NorthHills Quilter . She sent us some quilts for the High Park Fire People, and some quilts for our soldiers!! She is very very generous and has amazing energy!!

I like them all - but this one really caught my eye, and my brain!!

The next quilts all come from the Cane Cutter Quilt Guild in Houma LA - they do such great work!! 

again - one really caught my eye. I have to be honest, there is not a quilt that I don't like - really - I think they all have merit and beauty - but some of them just catch you - and this log cabin did!

And so did this one. Remember way back in Junior High is Home Ec they taught you how to weave those string things called a God's eye?   That's what this one reminded me of!!

Check out the borders!!!

Mmmm Soothing colors!!

I should have put a quarter on this pineapple one so you could see how detailed they are... but I didn't, so you will just have to trust me ;-)

I appreciate the support quilters - these quilts really do make a difference to our service men and women!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Momma's don't let your babies grow up

My oldest baby is a senior this year, My middle baby - a 9th grader, and my little baby - 6th grade... I ask you...... HOW did this happen????

Seriously , one day I could carry them, and one day they were too heavy, and now... I look up at two of them.... oh boy!!

My Oldest baby... I think he was 6 here.

My middle baby - he was 3

My Baby Baby - 9 months old

My oldest two - don't you love the scribbles? I have no clue who did that. We had spent the day at the pumpkin patch and we home posing with them.

Huh... I may make them do that with my again this year!!

And now look at them
Oldest, Middle and Youngest  ( I think the little on is on his tippy toes)

See... he wants to be way tall

I may have to start singing songs... Memories, of the way we used to be....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blue Stars Quilt

We have just returned from a few days with out internet, it was down for a solid day and a half, and giving us grief for another.... I am so glad... I felt so... Disconnected from the world - and my facebook and my emails... and oh boy!!

Did I get more done without the internet? Probably not, I kept checking to see if it was back!!

I did get the quilting done on this quilt. It is a clients quilt, and she told me I could do anything I wanted... and so ... I did!!

The whole quilt.
It had great blues in it!!

The dark blue borders and corners

The back - I love the backs when the texture shows through so well!
It was fun to quilt, and to use some geometry!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Tissue Alert.... You all give me a tease that I forget to remind you to bring a tissue - so here you are ;-)   Some more pictures of our presentations have been approved.... Enjoy!!

I love taking pictures outside - I think they make everyone look happier.

This dear sweet gal was having a hard time with the heat though. And she just found out she was going to be a mom, so she had a lot going on. Remember these are from the Warriors in Transition battalion.

I loved this guy - he was so funny, and was so surprised that he was able to have a quilt. I talked to him quite a bit, and he wasn't really sure that the quilt was for him, or that he didn't have to pay. He suffers from a TBI ( brain injury) and noises really bother him. Check out the quilt - Vicki  do you recognize it?

This dear warrior had a thick Texas accent - and was full of words!! A lot of them don't have a lot of words to spare, so it was quite enjoyable to talk with her. She was a Blackhawk pilot - I was jealous!! ( well all except for the war thing, and the injury thing... but I was all over the flying part!!)

I am not quite sure how to describe this guy other than Totally Awesome, and totally deserving of our respect and honor!! He flew in VietNam , Desert Storm ,Iraq, and most recently flew the planes over the Waldo Canyon fire. He had patches all over his jacket, and they were SO cool - I didn't quite want to let him go, but alas, he was stronger than I. 

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the recipients of your Quilts of Valor. I tell you - there is a special owner for each one of these and it is so fun to see who gets what. I still am amazed at the fact that they are so surprised that these are a gift of Thanks to them!! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Design Wall Monday

It's official - we are back in school...,, *sigh*. 

My design wall for today is actually my ironing board and my cutting table. This weekend the Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival was in session, so I decided to go check it out... and a project jumped in my arms, and followed me home....

Batiks - I have never sewn much with Batiks - but after finishing the Super Secret Summer Project Quilt of Valor All in Batiks - I think I am in Love!!!

Such Pretty Batiks

Now wish me luck that I get the mojo to sew!!!

At the Rocky Mtn Quilt Festival - Irena Bluhm brought her collection of quilts, and again, I fell in love!! Check out this hummingbird on one of her quilts!!

They also had a Route 66 display with a ton of quilts depicting the Route... I liked a lot of them - this one sort of reminded me of home, and I got a little homesick, then I remembered that it was 105 where I am from, and decided I liked where I am.....

Wish us luck this week, Big Bit is taking a college course this year as a senior in high school, so he started that. Middle Bit is a 9th grader and little bit is in 6th grade. We do on online virtual academy, and this is my first year teaching high school - geometry doesn't scare me as much as the digital technology class does... 

For more design walls head over to