
Monday, August 27, 2012

QOV quilt show

We spent Sunday working on binding Quilts of Valor, making more tops, and cutting up fabric... i love days like that - when a whole bunch of wonderful quilters get together and we all have fun!!

Here are some great Quilts of Valor all finished and ready to be presented. ( or they may already have been presented... the demand is still pretty high!!)

The first 4 quilts came from Marilyn at NorthHills Quilter . She sent us some quilts for the High Park Fire People, and some quilts for our soldiers!! She is very very generous and has amazing energy!!

I like them all - but this one really caught my eye, and my brain!!

The next quilts all come from the Cane Cutter Quilt Guild in Houma LA - they do such great work!! 

again - one really caught my eye. I have to be honest, there is not a quilt that I don't like - really - I think they all have merit and beauty - but some of them just catch you - and this log cabin did!

And so did this one. Remember way back in Junior High is Home Ec they taught you how to weave those string things called a God's eye?   That's what this one reminded me of!!

Check out the borders!!!

Mmmm Soothing colors!!

I should have put a quarter on this pineapple one so you could see how detailed they are... but I didn't, so you will just have to trust me ;-)

I appreciate the support quilters - these quilts really do make a difference to our service men and women!!! Thanks for all your hard work!!


  1. Such beautiful quilts, everyone of them will bring a smile to the heart of one of our military.

  2. Great quilts. Every one is a work of art. Can't tell you how many patchwork pillows I made using that Card Trick pattern when I was in my "craft show" phase. Haven't made that pattern since. :)

  3. Thanks for another QOV show. I love the inspiration. I especially love the D9P quilt - great idea for using those larger patriotic prints, besides just in the borders.

  4. Amazing quilts: and I'm with Kat on the D9P! It caught my eye the most; although, the workmanship in the Pineapple quilt MUST be applauded! WOWSERS!!!!!

  5. I love the variety of these quilts. Nice job, ladies!

  6. Beautiful quilts, such talented ladies (and gents to be fair).


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