
Thursday, May 17, 2012


Ever have one of those days, where you just really 'got nuthin' ?   I think this is one of those days.... I have a lot of little 'nuthins'

First - there is a fire burning up in Hewlett Gulch - it has grown to over 5,000 acres. This is not near me, but it is near my parents. So far their house is safe, but the soot stuff that blows - is coming down in pinecone sized embers and keeping my mom busy. My dad is on the fire........

Next - yesterday was stock up day.... my run to sam's club... It was not exciting, except that we got icee's.

It was my oldest son's last day of school yesterday as a junior - so I think that might make him a senior now, but I am in denial - so I refuse to agree to this.... he was just in kindergarten....   The boys/men that made it to the State Swim meet are still practicing - state is Friday. Last night the men all went to dinner at Roma's - a pizza and spaghetti place in town. It was fun to see them be so excited.

I finished all of my blocks for the Sweet Treat quilt... now I need to start on the sashings.

I have been quilting up a storm for my quilty customers.... I am so glad everyone is getting things finished - 
makes me happy to be on my quilt machine ;-)  That 5 weeks of stupid sickness made me bored... glad to be back at something!!

I know you can't see the close ups - but I quilted this one, and its kind of a cute story. These blocks were a block of them month quilt through our local quilt shop... and D finished hers... she said (out loud to the guild) I can't remember how old these are.... and people told her!!!!  ( 2005)  So she is proud they are now into a quilt!!


  1. Love your sweet treat blocks.

  2. Robin5:58 PM

    That is such a pretty sampler quilt with the blue, white and yellow.

  3. Your lovely blocks will make a pretty quilt! People have such good memories on things we would rather forget!!!!!! LOL!

  4. I have a whole lot of days with nuthin.. I sympathize with you !!
    I love the story about the BOM, shows how time flies, so many quilts so little time :)


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